The VF-11 Thunderbolt is the standard tactical variable fighter for the UN Spacy forces as of 2040. The mecha is a direct descendant of the original VF-1 Valkyrie and has several design similarities to the now-antique fighter, including variable soldier and gerwalk modes, a head laser external gun pod, and optional add-on boosters for increased range and maneuverability. The VF-11 replaced the older VF-4 Lightning III as the UN Spacy's main combat mecha in 2030, and has been in service now for almost a decade. Thunderbolts are found all over human-colonized space, on long-distance colony ships, colonized planets, and deep space military forces. The design is starting to become outdated, however, and is scheduled to be replaced by the VF-19 Excalibur, the winning design of the Project Super Nova competition. However, due to the large numbers of Thunderbolts stationed all across the galaxy it will probably be several years yet before the VF-19 can be produced in sufficient numbers to retire the VF-11 from service.
There is one interesting footnote in the development of the Thunderbolt. During the early tests of the prototype VF-11s the addition of the forward canard wings was a subject of great debate with the engineers and test supervisors. Although the canards provided increased maneuverability for the fighter, they also created additional aerodynamic drag which lowered the top speed of the variable fighter in a planetary atmosphere. Despite the drawbacks many of the test pilots were in favor of the canard wing, including Captain Milia Jenius of the Eagle Nest Aerial Tactics Center, who was involved in testing of the final VF-11 prototypes. The event which clinched the decision to include the canard wings eventually came when Captain Jenius piloted the VFX-11 prototype on a rescue mission to save a UN chief advisor. The successful rescue of the individual and the data collected from the prototype during the rescue operation led to the decision to include the canard wing on the VF-11, as well as later VFs designed by Shinshi Inudstries.
Vehicle Types:
VF-11A: First manufactured version. Initially equipped with a shorter barrel on the anti-aircraft laser and a dual-visor sensor system in the head.
VF-11B: Standard UN Spacy version, circa 2040. Lengthened barrel on the head anti-aircraft laser and redesigned single-visor sensor system.
VF-11C: Upgraded version of the VF-11B, featuring enhanced communication/navigation systems. Fleet-wide upgrade of all VF-11B fighters to VF-11C versions begun in 2040.
VF-11D: Two-seater version for training and recon operations.
VF-11D Jamming Bird Custom: Custom version produced on board the Macross 7 colony fleet. Contains sound energy technology.
VF-11MAXL-Kai: Custom version produced on board the Macross 7 for Sound Force. Contains sound energy technology.
VF-11 Full Armor: Heavy armor variant of VF-11A, B, C, or D.
Class: Tactical Variable Fighter
Manufacturer: Shinsei Industries
Crew: One pilot wearing Tactical Life Support System
Head Laser 30
(1) Head 75
Hands (2) 50 each
Arms (2) 100 each
Legs & Thrusters (2) 200 each
(2) Main Body 300
Canard Forward Wings (2) 30 each
Main Wings (2) 120 each
Tails (2) 50 each
Multipurpose Gun Pod 100
Anti-Projectile Shield 150
Reinforced Pilot Compartment/Escape Pod 150
Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The pilot and cockpit section/escape pod will be automatically ejected from the doomed mecha before it explodes by the mecha's main computer.
90 mph (144 kmph)
30 ft (9 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters.
300 mph (480 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Mach One (670 mph/1072 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Mach 3.5+ (2345 mph/3752 kmph) max speed at 10,000 meters or less above sea level. Mach 8.2+ (5494 mph/8790 kmph) max speed at 10,000-42,000 meters above sea level. Max altitude of 42,000 meters without rocket booster assistance. Maximum rate of ascent is 28,500 meters/minute. G limits are +22 to -14.5 standard Earth gravities.
28,000 kg x2 from main engines, plus 10,000 kg x4 from optional super booster units or 120,000 kg x2 from optional solid-fuel rocket boosters.
41.34 ft (12.92 m) in soldier configuration.
22.05 ft (6.89 m) in gerwalk configuration.
15.39 ft (4.81 m) in fighter configuration.
17.46 ft (5.45 m) at shoulders in soldier configuration.
35.84 ft (11.20 m) in gerwalk or fighter configuration with wings at maximum extension.
11.17 ft (3.49 m) in soldier configuration.
28.54 ft (8.92 m) in gerwalk configuration.
49.63 ft (15.51 m) in fighter configuration.
9000 kg.
Equal to a P.S. of 50
Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings.
Two Shinsei Industries/Pratt & Whitney/Rolls Royce FF-2025G thermonuclear turbine engines. Several additional Pratt & Whitney HMM- 5B high-maneuverability vernier thrusters for additional mobility are mounted at key positions along the mecha's hull. Additional thruster options include paired super booster units and added propellant storage or dual solid-fuel rocket boosters.
Dorsal: NP-BP-01, NP-BP-02, NR-BP-T1, NR-BP-E2, NP-BP-10, NP-BP-11, NP-BP-12, NR-BP-E7, NR-BP-19, NR-BP-19-SES
Arm: NP-AR-01, NP-AU-T1
Leg: NP-FB-11, NP-FB-19
ANTI-AIRCRAFT PULSE LASER: The VF-11 mounts a single pulse laser for use in air combat skirmishes and for defensive purposes. The laser is mounted on the head of the mecha in soldier mode, and is located in the central dorsal section of the main body pointed rearward in fighter and gerwalk modes. The laser can only fire to the REAR of the fighter in these modes; it cannot be turned to fire along another arc.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-aircraft
SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-missile/defensive
RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
RATE OF FIRE: The laser can be fired in rapid pulses up to 4 blasts per round. A rapid fire blast counts as a burst of up to 4 shots.
PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.
MULTIPURPOSE GUN POD W/ANTI-ARMOR BAYONET: A gun pod similar to the old GU-11 used by the VF-1 Valkyries, this is the primary weapon of the VF-11. The new gun pod also features a mecha-sized bayonet mounted on the front of the weapon, for use in close combat with mechanized opponents.
RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
DAMAGE: Does 4D6 M.D. for a short burst, 1D6x10 M.D. for a long burst, or 2D6x10 M.D. for a full melee burst. Bayonet does 1D4x10 M.D. per strike.
RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the number of combined attacks of the pilot.
PAYLOAD: 400 rounds per clip equals 40 short bursts, 20 long bursts, or 10 full melee bursts. Additional ammo clips can be inserted, but exchanging clips requires 2 melee actions. Two spare clips are stored behind the anti-projectile shield.
WING HARD POINTS: Two fixed hard points are mounted on each wing of the VF-11 for a total of 4 hardpoints on the fighter. These hardpoints can be used to hold a variety of different ordinance types, including long, medium, or short range missiles, or even the new medium-range high-maneuverability (MRHM) missiles (after 2040). One long range, one MRHM, 3 medium range, or 5 short range missiles can be mounted per hardpoint.
NOTE: Due to the location of the hard points, ALL missiles must be fired or ejected before the VF-11 can convert into soldier mode. For this reason the hard point missiles are usually fired within the first few passes of an attack.
Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Long Range Missile can be used.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: Volleys of 1-4 missiles.
Payload: One per hardpoint; 4 maximum.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Medium Range Missile can be used.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: 1-3 missiles per hardpoint.
Payload: Three per hardpoint; up to 12 maximum.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Missile Types: Any type of standard UN Spacy Short Range Missile can be used.
Range: Varies with missile type.
Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: 1-5 missiles per hardpoint.
Payload: Five per hardpoint; up to 20 maximum.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Mecha
Secondary Purpose: Surgical Strikes
Mega-Damage: 2D6x10 M.D.
Rate of Fire: One per hardpoint.
Range: 80 miles.
Payload: One per hardpoint; 4 maximum.
Note: Not available prior to 2040.
HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the pilot of the VF-11 can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The variable fighter is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.
Restrained Punch: 1D4 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 2D6 M.D.
"Booster" Punch: 3D6 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Tear or Pry with Hands: 1D6 M.D.
Kick: 1D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 2D6 M.D.
Body Flip/Throw: 1D4 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle: 1D6 M.D.
Stomp: 1D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects)
ANTI-PROJECTILE SHIELD: A new addition to modern VFs, the VF-11 is equipped with an external shield that is mounted on the central rear dorsal section of the mecha in fighter mode, and on the left arm in soldier and gerwalk modes. On a successful parry in soldier or gerwalk mode, the shield can be used to block missiles or projectiles, thus protecting the main body from harm. Although constructed of super-strong materials, the shield is NOT regenerable and must be ejected once its MDC is depleted.
AUTO-PILOT: The VF-11 is equipped with a computerized auto-pilot, allowing the pilot to relax or even sleep during long voyages. The auto- pilot can be programmed with a single destination or a complex flight plan involving multiple speeds, directions, and destinations. The onboard computer will alert the pilot when the fighter is near its destination, and can also be set to automatically signal when sensors detect objects near the mecha. The auto-pilot was designed with long intra-system space journeys in mind.
COMBAT COMPUTER W/HUD DISPLAYS: The VF-11 is equipped with a combat computer that can store and analyze data during combat with hostile forces. The entire cockpit canopy of the VF-11 is a large HUD display, which allows the computer to display large amounts of data to the pilot and even highlight enemies and missile attacks with overlaid graphics. The combat computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 10,000 images stored in memory. The computer can identify and track up to 250 targets simultaneously.
ESCAPE POD: The entire reinforced cockpit of the VF-11 is a detachable escape pod that can be jettisoned when the mecha is destroyed. The ejected cockpit does not contain thrusters, but does contain a powerful locator beacon and an integrated life support system that can support the pilot for up to 24 hours after ejection. The pod is also equipped with parachutes in case of ejection in an atmosphere. The combat computer is programmed to automatically eject the escape pod if the mecha is destroyed (main body MDC reduced to 0), but this can be overridden if the pilot is feeling suicidal for some reason.
EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what the levels of radiation are.
HOMING SIGNAL: The escape pod of the VF-11 is equipped with a homing device that enables rescue teams to locate a disabled craft or ejected life pod. The range of the signal is 400 miles (640 km). Most UN Spacy ships and variable fighters can locate and track homing signals, and the onboard computers will automatically notify their pilots if such a signal is detected.
LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: Range: 100 miles (160 km). Used for increased accuracy in the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the mecha's strike bonus.
LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
OPTICS: INFRARED: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). This optical system projects a beam of infrared light that is invisible to the normal eye, but detectable by the mecha's sensors. The system allows the pilot to detect hidden/concealed objects by their IR reflectiveness. The beam will be visible to anyone with IR sensitive optics, however.
OPTICS: NIGHTVISION: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive light image intensifier that emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically amplified to produce a visible picture.
OPTICS: THERMAL IMAGER: Range: 2000 feet (610 m). A passive optical heat sensor that detects infrared radiation projected by warm objects and converts that data into a false-color visible image. The system enables the pilot to see in the dark, in shadows, and through smoke, and also adds a +10% bonus to pilots using a tracking skill.
RADAR: 200 mile (321 km) range.
RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications system with satellite relay capabilities. Range: 600 miles (960 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
SELF-DESTRUCT: To prevent capture of a variable fighter by the enemy, the pilot can activate the VF-11's self-destruct system, which will cause the fighter to explode after a delay of up to 60 minutes (time is set by the pilot). The explosive damage is contained within a 20 foot (6 m) area and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. to everything within the radius of the explosion. All internal systems are obliterated. The escape pod will be automatically ejected prior to the explosion unless the pilot overrides the ejection sequence.
STANDARD SURVIVAL KIT: All UN Spacy variable fighters come equipped with a portable survival kit. Inside the small reinforced box is a medium-sized flashlight, two hand flares, one rocket flare, a compass, infrared distancing binoculars, a small mirror, a pocket knife, dehydrated and concentrated food (can be stretched into a five day supply for one person) and basic first aid items (aspirin, bandages, disinfectants, etc.)
TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The VF-11's cockpit is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with pressurized breathing. The UN Spacy flight suit also contains an upper and lower g-suit that promotes blood circulation even during high-g turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat.
Basic training for non-pilot military personnel.
1 attack per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Add one additional action/attack at levels three, nine, and fifteen.
+1 on initiative.
+1 to strike.
+1 to parry
+1 to dodge in soldier mode, +3 in gerwalk, +5 in jet mode.
+1 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
No leap dodge.
No leap kick.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
Advanced training for pilots specializing in the VF-11.
3 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Add one additional action/attack at levels three, six, eleven, and fifteen.
+2 on initiative.
+2 to strike
+3 to parry
+2 to dodge in solder mode, +4 in gerwalk, +6 in jet mode.
+3 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
+2 to leap dodge. A leap dodge is an automatic dodge which causes no loss of attacks per melee. The new generation variable fighters are so maneuverable that the pilot can dodge an attack while moving to counterattack an enemy.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
Body block/tackle/ram - 1D6 M.D. plus a 50% chance of knocking an opponent down, causing him to loose initiative and one attack that melee round.
The departure of the Robotech Expeditionary Forces in 2022 left a large gap in the military power of Earth's defense forces. The REF took a very large percentage of available combat mecha in service with Terran forces at that time, including almost all VF-1, VAF-6, and VBF-1 veritechs that had been produced to date. The removal of these fighters left the armies of the Southern Cross without a medium-weight veritech fighter, forcing them to rely on the lighter Logan veritechs and outdated non-transformable fighters to fill the roles normally handled by VF-1 and VAF-6 Veritechs. The Southern Cross requested development of a high-performance variable combat fighter to replace the VF-1 and VAF-6 veritechs, and awarded the contract to produce such a fighter to Shinsei Industries, a new development firm based in rebuilt Japan. In 2025, Shinsei unveiled the VF-11 "THUNDERBOLT" VERITECH. The Thunderbolt was approved by the Southern Cross and quickly became a popular mecha among the TAF and TASC armies.
The VF-11 was designed by some of the same people who had worked on the VF-1 Veritechs aboard the SDF-1 during the First Robotech War, and thus shares many stylistic and functional features with its predecessor. The swing-wing fighter configuration, variable guardian and battloid modes, head laser, and gatling gun pod are all derived from the original VF-1 Veritech designs. However, part of the Southern Cross' design contract specified that the new mecha was NOT to use protoculture in any way, shape, or form. The limited amounts of protoculture available on Earth made it unfeasible to equip common military mecha with protoculture systems. Thus the Shinsei Industries design team built the VF-11 around the new FF-2025G thermonuclear turbine engines; non-protoculture versions of the FF-2001 engines used in the VF-1 series. Advances in propulsion technology allowed the newer engines to be even more efficient than the older versions. Shinsei also produced several optional add-on systems for the VF-11, including solid-fuel rocket boosters, new super boosters similar to the one used on the VF-1 Super Veritechs, and heavy external armor with missile launchers for an optional VF-11 Heavy Armor variant.
The armament systems of the VF-11 were similar to the VF-1. The Thunderbolt's main weapon was a 65mm multipurpose gun pod with anti-armor bayonet, that could be used in all modes by the Veritech. Descended from the GU-11, the new gun pod offered a greater punch and a larger magazine capacity than its predecessor. The multiple head lasers on the VF-1 were replaced with a single pulse laser on the VF-11, which could cause greater damage than the older lasers were capable of. The laser was mounted facing rear instead of front in fighter and guardian modes, allowing the mecha to snipe at missiles or enemy mecha that strayed behind the craft. Finally, in accordance with Southern Cross mecha policy the VF-11 was equipped with a shield on its left arm, which could be used to parry incoming weapons and increase the defensive capabilities of the mecha.
The VF-11 Thunderbolt was produced in fair numbers up until 2030, when they began to be replaced by the new AJACS Veritech Attack Copters. Thunderbolts still served along with Logans in the TAF, however, and were commonly used in land based conflicts with Malcontents, EBSIS, and Merchant Republic forces. When the Robotech Masters finally arrived at Earth in 2032, the Thunderbolts led the initial charge against the invaders for the Southern Cross. Although the Second Robotech War only lasted a year, many VF-11s were lost to heavier- armored Bioroid Transports used by the Masters. A fair number of Thunderbolts did survive the war, however, and could still be found in service with the remains of the Southern Cross and other fraction nations during the chaos of 2032-2035. Even the Invid Invasion of 2035 did not stomp out the VF-11 entirely, as at least a dozen fighters have been reported seen in operation with various resistance groups. However, lack of parts and the arrival of newer, more advanced Veritech Alpha Fighters means that it may not be long before the VF-11 Thunderbolt disappears altogether from active service.