VF-11 Thunderbolt Veritech Fighter (-11A, -11B, -11C, -11D, -11FA, -11K, -11S)
I. Dimensions:
(VF-11A, -11B, -11C, -11D, -11S)
Fighter Mode
Guardian Mode
Battloid Mode
15.51 meters
8.92 meters
Depth :
3.49 meters
Height :
4.81 meters
6.89 meters
12.92 meters
Breadth :
5.45 meters
Wingspan :
11.2 meters
11.2 meters
Dry Weight(*) :
9 metric tons
Operational Weight (**) :
21 metric tons
*=Wings at full extension
**= Space Superiority A loadout
(VF-11FA Thunderbolt Full Armor with GBP-10 Armor System)
Battloid Mode
Height :
14.21 meters
Depth :
3.99 meters
Breadth :
6.54 meters
Dry Weight :
28.6 metric tons
Operational Weight :
72.5 metric tons
(VF-11K Thunderbolt Kai)
Fighter Mode
Guardian Mode
Battloid Mode
Length :
15.48 meters
8.74 meters
Depth :
3.42 meters
Height :
4.81 meters
6.89 meters
12.92 meters
Breadth :
3.4 meters
5.45 meters
Wingspan(*) :
11.20 meters
11.20 meters
Dry Weight :
8.7 metric tons
Operational Weight (**) :
29.6 metric tons
*=Wings at full extension
**=Standard loadout
II. Type:
•Design: Robotech Research Group
•Builders: Boeing Aerospace Company
•(VF-11A, -11B, -11C) : One man all weather aerospace combat mecha, 3 form veritech fighter. Mass produced version.
•(VF-11S) : One man all weather aerospace combat mecha, 3 form veritech fighter. Squadron leader version.
•(VF-11D) : Two seat trainer with operational capabilities, 3 form veritech trainer.
•(VF-11K) : One man all weather aerospace combat mecha, 3 form sound warfare veritech.
•(VF-11FA) : GBP-10 external booster, armor, and weapons pack optimized for heavy assault outfitted onto a VF-11 airframe. Restricted to Battloid mode.
III. Service History:
•VF-11A: Served with RDF Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Space Navy from 2047 until being replaced by -11B.
•VF-11B: Served with RDF Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Space Navy from 2049 until being replaced by -11C.
•VF-11C: Served with RDF Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Space Navy from 2053 and is still in service.
•VF-11D: Served with RDF Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Space Navy from 2049 and is still in service.
•VF-11K: Served with RDF Special Space Services from 2064 and is still in service.
•VF-11S: Served with RDF Air Force, Navy, Marines, and Space Navy from 2047 and is still in service.
•VF-11FA: Served with RDF Space Navy and Space Marines from 2056 and is still in service.
IV. Propulsion:
(VF-11A, -11B, -11D)
•2 x Nakajima FF-2025G fusion turbines each rated at 28,500 kg (279 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 400 MW of power. The engines generate 18,660 PS during ground combat.
•4 x Rolls Royce HMM-6 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode and on either side of the back of the veritech in battloid mode, and 2 more on the lower back in battloid modes. Each thruster is rated at 682.6 kg/sec (6.7 kN/sec).
•8 x Pratt&Whitney LHP07 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; two on either side of the nosecone, one on each of the ventral legs, and two more on the torso/fuselage. Each thruster is rated at 133 kg/sec (1.3 kN/sec).
•Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
(VF-11C, -11S)
•2 x Nakajima FF-2025N fusion turbines each rated at 31,000 kg (304 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 435 MW of power. The engines generate 18,810 PS during ground combat.
•6 x Rolls Royce HMM-7 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode and on either side of the back of the veritech in battloid mode, and 2 more on the lower back in battloid modes. Each thruster is rated at 701.3 kg/sec (6.9 kN/sec).
•8 x Pratt&Whitney LHP07 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; two on either side of the nosecone, one on each of the ventral legs, and two more on the torso/fuselage. Each thruster is rated at 133 kg/sec (1.3 kN/sec).
•Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
•Additional: 2 x Pratt&Whitney AST-32 assisting thrusters on back, giving a total output of 15,000 kg (147 kN) of thrust.
•Effective loss of four HMM-7 and eight LHP07 vernier thrusters from the standard model because of the external armor package; however, the GBP-10 armor system has a total of ten LHP08 vernier thrusters integral to the Armor.
•2 x Rolls Royce FF-2099A fusion turbines each rated at 41,500 kg (407 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 520 MW of power. The engines generate 19,860 PS during ground combat.
•4 x Rolls Royce HMM-10 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode and on either side of the back of the veritech in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 749.3 kg/sec (7.3 kN/sec).
•2 x Pratt&Whitney LHP09 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; one on either side of the nosecone. Each thruster is rated at 153 kg/sec (1.5 kN/sec).
•Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
• Auxilliary Powerplant:
(VF-11A, -11B, -11C, -11D, -11S)
•2 x Pratt&Whitney APU-140 thermonuclear fusion reaction auxiliary power generators (one redundant), each capable of producing 400 MW, using the aircraft's stored fuel, with an emergency reserve of 10 lt D2O/Li solution.
•2 x General Electric APU-233 thermonuclear fusion reaction auxiliary power generators (one redundant), each capable of producing 520 GW, using the aircraft's stored fuel, with an emergency reserve of 10 lt D2O/Li solution.
•Fuel Capacity:
(VF-11A, -11B, -11C, -11D, -11S)
•4,300 lt 70/30 D2O/Li solution as reactant for fusion engines in fuel tanks inside the wings.
•Additional: 2,350 lt 70/30 D2O/Li solution as reactant for fusion engines in fuel tanks inside the wings.
•14,044 lt 70/30 D2O/Li solution as reactant for fusion engines in fuel tanks inside the armor.
V. Performance:
A. Fighter Mode:
VF-11A, -11B, -11D
VF-11C, -11S
Maximum speed (@ 18km) :
8790 kph
(Mach 8.2)
9270 kph
(Mach 8.6)
23,584 kph
(Mach 22)
(@ sea level) :
3752 kph
(Mach 3.5)
3955 kph
(Mach 3.7)
4395 kph
(Mach 4.1)
Stall speed :
164 kph (VTOL rectification possible)
148 kph (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate :
28,500 meters per minute
30,000 meters per minute
44,500 meters per minute
Unboosted service ceiling :
42,000 meters
None, transatmospheric
B. Guardian Mode:
VF-11A, -11B, -11D
VF-11C, -11S
Maximum speed (@ 10m) :
1072 kph (Mach 1)
Service ceiling :
20000 meters
23000 meters
35000 meters
C. Battloid Mode:
VF-11A, -11B, -11D
VF-11C, -11S
Full Armor VF-11
Maximum flying speed (@ 10m) :
480 kph
540 kph
670 kph
Maximum running speed :
144 kph
192 kph
101 kph
Service ceiling :
5000 meters
7000 meters
15000 meters
D. General:
VF-11A, -11B, -11D
VF-11C, -11S
Full Armor VF-11
Super VF-11C
Delta-v(*) :
11.9 kps
25.8 kps
6.6 kps
24.6 kps
Acceleration(*) :
5.0 G
1.3 G
* = Assuming typical operational weight
VI. Electronics
Radar system:
(VF-11A, -11B, -11D)
•Hughes AN/APG-150 X-Band, spherical pulse-Doppler, providing long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes.
•Westinghouse AN/APX-16 IFF friend or foe interrogator.
(VF-11C, -11S, -11FA)
•Phillips AN/APG-163 X-Band, spherical pulse-Doppler, providing long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes.
•Westinghouse AN/APX-16 IFF friend or foe interrogator.
•Hughes AN/APG-191 X-Band, spherical pulse-Doppler, providing long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes.
•Westinghouse AN/APX-23 IFF friend or foe interrogator.
Optical tracking:
•(Head/Turret) Phillips AN/DOS-3200 multi-band digital camera, for medium range, traversable, UV, infrared imaging and optical band detection and tracking.
•Thomson AN/LT-7 multi-frequency laser designator and ranger.
(VF-11B, -11C, -11D, -11S, -11FA)
•(Head/Turret) Thomson AN/DOS-3900 multi-band digital camera system, for medium range, traversable, UV, infrared imaging and optical band detection and tracking.
•General Electric AN/LT-8 multi-frequency laser designator and ranger.
•(Head/Turret) Phillips AN/DOS-5700 multi-band digital camera system, for medium range, traversable, UV, infrared imaging and optical band detection and tracking.
•Thomson AN/LT-12 multi-frequency laser ranger and designator.
Tactical Electronic Warfare System (TEWS):
•Loral AN/ALR-26 Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
•Loral AN/AIR-15 Infra-red Warning Receiver (IRWR)
•Westinghouse AN/ALQ-266(V) internal countermeasures system
•Tracor AN/ALE-16 Chaff/Flare Dispensers
•Westinghouse AN/AMJ-6 Active Missile Jammers
•Multiple VHF and UHF antennas
•Bose Loudspeakers producing sound up to 90 decibels.
(VF -11K)
•Westinghouse AN/ALR-48 Radar Warning receiver (RWR)
•General Electric AN/AIR-34 Infra-red Warning System (IRWR)
•General Electric AN/ALQ-305(V) internal countermeasures system
•Tracor AN/ALE-16 Chaff/Flare Dispensers
•Westinghouse AN/AMJ-12 Active Missile Jammers
•Multiple VHF and UHF antennas
•Sony holographic projectors. Can be used to produce simple images and 'dazzle' enemy pilots with bright lights
•RRD Sound Energy System SES-01: The VF-11K is equipped with the revolutionary Sound Energy System (SES) developed by Dr. Chiba of the UES Germany science team. The SES allows the pilot to of the VF to focus their spiritia powers and use it for attack and defense.
•Bose Loudspeakers producing sound up to 150 decibels.
•Hughes PPBS-04 Pin-Point Barrier System: The VF-11K is equipped with a new mecha-scale pinpoint barrier system for defense. The system can generate a single pinpoint barrier that can be moved anywhere on the mecha and used as a shield against incoming attacks.
•Additional: Lasers on head is replaced by a Marconi Spyeye broad spectrum radiation sensors.
•IBM-2000 onboard data interpretation system
NOTE: Various sensor systems like Inverted Synthetic Aperture Radar, high-definition cameras, radiation sensors, motion scanners et cetera may be pod-mounted on the wing and center body hardpoints.
VII. Armament:
•No armament standard. Dummy munitions are often carried on the VF-11D, but these craft are almost never used for combat.
(VF-11A, -11B)
•1 x Oerlikon AAL-3 anti-aircraft pulse laser: The VF-11(none are mounted on the VF-11D and -11K) mounts one pulse laser for use in air combat skirmishes and for defensive purposes. The lasers are mounted on the head of the mecha in battloid mode, and are located in the forward dorsal section of the main body pointed rearward in fighter and guardian modes. Each pulse delivers 3.7 MJ at 120 times per minute.
•2 x Mauser REB-15 fixed laser cannons: The nose of the VF-11 carriers two medium laser cannons used in air to air combat primarily but can be used effectively against ground troops. These can be fired in any mode, but in battloid they may only fire down as the nose does point downward. The cannons can only be aimed by moving the entire body of the mecha. The lasers may each fire 4 MJ of power twice per second at ranges of up to 2 km.
(VF-11C, -11S)
•1 x Oerlikon AAL-3 anti-aircraft pulse laser: The VF-11(none are mounted on the VF-11D and -11K) mounts one pulse laser for use in air combat skirmishes and for defensive purposes. The lasers are mounted on the head of the mecha in battloid mode, and are located in the forward dorsal section of the main body pointed rearward in fighter and guardian modes. Each pulse delivers 3.7 MJ at 120 times per minute.
•2 x Mauser REB-22 fixed laser cannons: The nose of the VF-11 carriers two medium laser cannons used in air to air combat primarily but can be used effectively against ground troops. These can be fired in any mode, but in battloid they may only fire down as the nose does point downward. The cannons can only be aimed by moving the entire body of the mecha. The lasers may each fire 6 MJ of power twice per second at ranges of up to 2 km.
(VF -11K)
•2 x Mauser REB-33 fixed laser cannons: Two fixed laser cannons are mounted in the nose of the VF-11. These can be fired in any mode, but in battloid they may only fire down as the nose does point downward. The cannons can each fire a 18 MJ burst every four seconds at a range of 10 km.
•4 x Krupp PBC-26 particle beam cannon: The add-on heavy armor shoulder sections for the VF-11 come with two dual-barrel particle beam cannons for additional heavy firepower. These cannons are slightly improved versions of the ones found on the MBR-15 Atma providing quiet a punch allowing a squadron of these craft to destroy small or medium size capital ships. Each barrel can deliver a devastating blow of 350 MJ every five seconds. The downside to this powerful weapon is that there is only enough energy stored for 10 bursts per cannon.
(VF-11A, -11B, -11C, -11S)
One centerline hardpoint can carry:
•1 x Hughes GU-21 30mm six-barrel gunpod w/ bayonet: The main weapon of the VF-11 is this six-barrel gunpod manufactured by Hughes Aerospace. The weapon is mounted on a special centerline hardpoint beneath the veritech in fighter mode, and is carried right hand in guardian and battloid modes. It uses magazines of ammo each holding 600 rounds with two additional magazines stored behind the projectile shield. The gunpod fires the standard mix of tungsten-coated depleted uranium armor piercing spin-stabilized discarding sabot (APSSDS), high explosive armor piercing (HEAP), and tracer rounds at approx. 1200 rounds per minute. The gunpod can also be used as a melee weapon as it mounts a retractable bayonet on the end of it similar to military rifles of the 19th century. The bayonet is highly effective against macronized Zentraedi weapons, especially any type of power armor.
•or a number of dedicated military cargoes including, but not limited to; any type of gun pod (except the XS-06), various sensor and jamming pods, and cargo containers.
•1 x RRD SGU-03 120mm single-barrel speaker gunpod: The VF-11K is armed with a very unusual gunpod as a main weapon. Instead of firing standard shells, the gun pod instead fires large caliber autocannon shells that each contain a high-definition speaker and radio receiver. The shells are armor-piercing and can usually penetrate even the toughest armor, but once embedded in armor plate the speaker pods transmit sound waves into the mecha's body, filling the pilot's cockpit with loud rock music. In addition to their use as a distraction, the speaker pods have been known to cause spiritia reactions in the minds of brainwashed Varauta pilots, occasionally permitting them to defect to the RDF. Due to the large size of the speaker pods only a limited amount can be carried in the VF-11K's gun pod. One spare magazine containing twelve speaker pods is mounted on the inside of the mecha's shield. Switching magazines can only be done in Guardian or Battloid mode.
NOTE: The centerline hardpoint is actually a retractable grip that extends from the veritech's upper right forearm, just below the elbow actuator. In fighter mode, the grip is on the craft's centerline.
Hand held weapons:
•1 x Three Star Industries CU-06 six-barreled 155mm cannon pod: Designed and built by Three Star Heavy Industries, this immense weapon is designed specifically for use with the full armor variant of the VF-11. The weapon is so large that it can only be wielded in battloid mode. Ammunition is a mix of Jidori-coated depleted Uranium armor piercing spin-stabilized discarding sabot (APSSDS), high explosive armor piercing (HEAP), plasma coated explosive shell (PCES), and tracer rounds firing at 600 rounds per minute. One XS-06 is issued for each VF-11 Thunderbolt Full Armor. The gunpod uses an internal ammo supply of 240 rounds.
(VF-11A, -11B, -11C, -11D)
•2 x leg mounted internal missile pallets: Each leg of the VF-11 contains an enclosed missile pallet which can be customized for different mission objectives and carry a wide variety of air-to-air and multipurpose missiles. When armed, the pallet doors open and the launcher can extend from the sides allowing all missiles to be fired at once. The available launcher payloads for each pallet include:◦1 x AIM-85 Sparrow long range air-to-air missiles.
◦or 3 x AIM-83 Eagle medium range air-to-air missiles.
◦or 8 x AIM-80 Hawk short range air-to-air missiles.
◦or 1 x MPM-17 Scimitar long range multi-purpose missiles.
◦or 3 x MPM-15 Rapier medium range multi-purpose missiles.
◦or 8 x MPM-20 Pike short range multi-purpose missiles.
◦or 21 x MPM-10 Dirk high maneuverability mini-missiles on a specialized MER.
•2 x MM-6 multi-missile system: The VF-11K's legs are each equipped with a internal missile launcher for close combat. Each launcher contains 6 MPM-20 Pike short range multi-purpose missiles. When armed, the launcher door opens allowing all missiles to be fired at once.
•2 x Engine nacelle mounted internal missile pallets: The VF-11K's engine nacelles each mount a pair of missile pallets able to configured for mission objectives. When armed, the pallet doors open and the launcher can extend from the sides allowing all missiles to be fired at once. The available launcher payloads for each pallet include:◦2 x AIM-99 Falcon medium range air-to-air missile
◦2 x MPM-25 Saber medium range multi-purpose missile
◦6 x MPM-23 Dagger high maneuverability mini-missiles on a specialized MER.
•1 x MM-102 multi-missile system: The add-on heavy armor for the VF-11 also contains a large supply of missiles. Known as the MM-102 the launcher contains a total of 102 MPM-24 Broadsword multi-purpose missiles dispersed throughout the armor package. These missiles are designed for use against large numbers of opponents or capital ships and are concealed behind armored plates, which flip up seconds before the missiles are fired. Multi-purpose missiles are usually used for the entire payload, but mixes are possible if desired.
•8 x HMMP-12 missile launchers: The FAWT booster units for the heavy armor version of the VF-11 Thunderbolt also contain 8 rapid-fire AIM-99 Falcon medium range missile launcher units (4 per booster unit). Each unit contains 4 medium range air to air missiles for a total of 32 missiles and has two missiles ready with another three reloads.
Four wing hardpoints (two per wing) can each carry:
•2 x AIM-85 Sparrow long range air-to-air missiles.
•or 3 x AIM-83 Eagle medium range air-to-air missiles.
•or 2 x MPM-17 Scimitar long range multi-purpose missiles.
•or 3 x MPM-15 Rapier medium range multi-purpose missiles.
•or 1 x UMM-14; Armored box launcher with 30 MPM-10 Dirk short range multi-purpose missiles. The UUM-14 has three groups of five MPM-10s ready to be fired forward and three groups of five missiles as a rear-hemisphere defense.
•or 1 x UMM-16; Armored container with 15 AIM-80 Hawk short range air-to-air missiles. The UUM-16 has two groups of five AIM-80s ready to be fired forward and one group of five missiles as a rear-hemisphere defense.
•or 1 x UMM-17; Armored container with 15 MPM-20 Pike short range air-to-air missiles. The UUM-14 has two groups of five MPM-20s ready to be fired forward and one group of five missiles as a rear-hemisphere defense.
•or 1 x 1,000 lt reactant/fuel tank. Can store 70/30 D2O/Li solution.
NOTE: The hardpoints can also carry recon and cargo pods than the above.
Other Military Cargoes available include:
•GBP-10: Heavy armor and weapons package for the VF-11C Thunderbolt. Onboard systems include (see above for details): ◦4 x PBC-22 particle beam cannon
◦1 x MM-102 multi-missile system
◦8 x HMMP-12 missile launchers
◦2 x AST-32 assisting thrusters
◦10 x LHP07 low thrust vernier thrusters
•HMMP-05: An Armored Box Launcher (ABL) with 4 missile launch tubes for MPM-20 Pike missiles, with three reloads per tube for a total sixteen missiles. Mounted on NP-BP-11 booster pack.
•HMMP-06: An Armored Box Launcher (ABL) with 2 missile launch tubes for MPM-20 Pike missiles, with eleven reloads per tube for a total sixteen missiles. Mounted on NP-BP-12 booster pack.
•HMMP-15: An Armored Box Launcher (ABL) with 4 missile launch tubes for MPM-24 Broadsword missiles, with four reloads per tube for a total of twenty missiles. Mounted on NP-BP-19 SES booster pack.
•SES-01: A revolutionary system which amplifies and projects Spiritia energy, allowing the pilot to use his or her Spiritia powers in combat. In addition the system mounts 2 SEC-01 Sound Energy Converters, 2 SAA-01 Sound Aura Amplification Systems, and 2 Bose 150 decibel speakers. Mounts to NP-SES-11 booster pack.
•SES-02: A revolutionary system which amplifies and projects Spiritia energy, allowing the pilot to use his or her Spiritia powers in combat. In addition the system mounts a pair of 150 decibels Bose speakers and a holographic projection system. Mounts to NP-BP-19-SES booster pack.
•NP-BP-11: A box-shaped FAWT (Fuel And Weapons Tactical) booster; attaches to the back of Super VF-11 series Thunderbolt. Its main engines are a pair of Rolls Royce +EF-2025 46,700 kg (458 kN) reaction thrusters and is equipped with three Rolls Royce HMM-6 vernier thrusters. The PBC-12 single-barreled particle beam cannon or the HMMP-05 missile launch tube is mounted to the front of this booster. Note: The PBC-12 is mounted on the starboard (right) side of the Thunderbolt (see the Super Thunderbolt Booster/Armor configurations table below). It also contains a probe-and-drogue retractable refueling tube mounted on the upper outboard corner of their NP-BP-11. Teamed up with the NP-FB-11, HMMP-05 and/or PBC-12 systems, it forms the SSP-11 (Super Space Pack) weapons/armor/thruster suite.
•NP-BP-12: A box-shaped FAWT (Fuel And Weapons Tactical) booster; attaches to the back of Super VF-11 series Thunderbolt. Its main engines are a pair of Rolls Royce +EF-2025 and is equipped with three Rolls Royce HMM-6 vernier thrusters. The PBC-17 single-barreled particle beam cannon or the HMMP-06 missile launch tube is mounted to the front of this booster. Note: The PBC-17 is mounted on the starboard (right) side of the Thunderbolt (see the Super Thunderbolt Booster/Armor configurations table below). It also contains a probe-and-drogue retractable refueling tube mounted on the upper outboard corner of their NP-BP-12. Teamed up with the NP-FB-11, HMMP-06 and/or PBC-17 systems, it forms the SSP-12 (Super Space Pack) weapons/armor/thruster suite.
•NP-BP-T11: This is a barrel shaped FAST (Fuel And Sensors Tactical) booster that attaches to the back of Super VF-11D Thunderbolt. Its main engines are a pair of Rolls Royce +EF-2025 and is equipped with three Rolls Royce HMM-6 vernier thrusters. This unit cannot accept any weapons systems. Instead, it contains an additional 800 lt of reactant. Comes with an additional booster that attaches on top of the backpack. Together with the NP-FB-T11 units, it forms the SSPT-11 armor/fuel/thruster suite.
•NP-BP-19 SES: This streamlined FASWT (Fuel And Sound Weapons Tactical) booster that attaches to the back of a Jamming Bird VF-11D Thunderbolt. Its main engines is a +Nakajima +EF-2060 63,265 kg (620 kN) fusion reaction thruster and is equipped with four Rolls Royce HMM-10 vernier thrusters. The Chiba SES-02 Sound Energy System and HMMP-15 missile launch tube are mounted on the front of this booster.
•NP-SES-11: This large SES (Sound Energy System) booster that attaches to the back of a VF-11K MAXL Kai Thunderbolt. Its main engine is a Nakajima +EF-2060 and is equipped with four Rolls Royce HMM-10 vernier thrusters. The Chiba SES-01 Sound Energy System is mounted on this booster.
•NP-FB-11: This is a set of thrusters and armor that attaches to the Super VF-11's engine nacelle and facilitates maneuvering in space. It is equipped with a CTB-11 conformal fuel tank (4000 lt of reactant) and has two LHP07 and two HMM-6 vernier thrusters. It is also equipped with a Tracor AN/ALE-16 chaff/flare launcher with 120 decoy flares and 60 chaffs.
•NP-FB-T11: This is a derivative of the NP-FB-11. A set of thrusters and armor that attaches to the Super VF-11D's engine nacelle and facilitates maneuvering in space. It is equipped with a CTB-11 conformal fuel tank, one LHP07 and five HMM-6 vernier thrusters.
•NP-FB-19: This is a set of thrusters and armor that attaches to the Jamming Bird VF-11D's engine nacelle and facilitates maneuvering in space. It is equipped with a CTB-19 conformal fuel tank (3700 lt of reactant) and has three LHP08. It is also equipped with a Tracor AN/ALE-16 chaff/flare launcher with 120 decoy flares and 60 chaffs.
•PBC-12: Single-barreled Krupp particle beam cannon, fires 35 MJ of particle energy up to 30 times per minute. Mounted on the NP-BP-11 booster pack.
•PBC-17: Single-barreled Krupp particle beam cannon, fires 42 MJ of particle energy up to 45 times per minute. Mounted on the NP-BP-12 booster pack.
•RRG Mk3 Fold Booster Drive: A large cylindrical body that contains a hyperspace fold generator with a range of approx. 30 light years and enough energy to perform two hyperspace folds.
The Super, Strike, and Armor versions have the following Booster/Armor configurations:
Center Back
Right Leg
Right Back
Left Back
Left Leg
Super VF-11 (A, B)
Super VF-11 (C, S)
Strike VF-11 (A, B)
Strike VF-11 (C, S)
Super VF-11 (D)
VF-11 Jamming Bird (D)
VF-11 Sound Force (K)
VF-11 Full Armor
The most common payloads for various mission profile are as follows:
Outer Wing Hardpoint
Inner Wing Hardpoint
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Centerline Hardpoint
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Inner Wing Hardpoint
Outer Wing Hardpoint
Air Superiority I:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Superiority II:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Air Superiority III:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
UMM-16 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Superiority IV:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
GU-21 x 1
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Superiority V:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
GU-21 x 1
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Air Superiority VI:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
UMM-16 x 1
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
GU-21 x 1
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception I:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Air Interception II:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception III:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception IV:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
GU-21 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Air Interception V:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
GU-21 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception VI:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
GU-21 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception VII:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
GU-21 x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Air Interception VIII:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
GU-21 x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Air Interception IX:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
GU-21 x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Ground Attack I:
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
GU-21 x 1
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
Ground Attack II:
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
GU-21 x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-15 Rapier x 3
Space Superiority I:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
UMM-16 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Space Superiority II:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
UMM-16 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Space Superiority III:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
1000 lt drop tank x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Space Superiority IV:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
1000 lt drop tank x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Space Interception I:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Space Interception II:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
UMM-16 x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Space Interception III:
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-83 Eagle x 3
Space Interception IV:
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
GU-21 x 1
AIM-80 Hawk x 8
1000 lt drop tank x 1
AIM-85 Sparrow x 2
Anti-Starship I:
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
UMM-17 x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
GU-21 x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
UMM-17 x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
Anti-Starship II:
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
GU-21 x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 1
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
MPM-17 Scimitar x 2
Reconnaissance I:
1000 lt drop tank x 1
1000 lt drop tank x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
1000 lt drop tank x 1
1000 lt drop tank x 1
Reconnaissance II:
1000 lt drop tank x 1
Camera x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
Video Camera x 1
1000 lt drop tank x 1
(Jamming Bird VF-11D)
Outer Wing Hardpoint
Inner Wing Hardpoint
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Centerline Hardpoint
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Inner Wing Hardpoint
Outer Wing Hardpoint
Sound Warfare I:
1000 lt drop tank x 1
1000 lt drop tank x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
GU-21 x 1
MPM-10 Dirk x 21
1000 lt drop tank x 1
1000 lt drop tank x 1
Engine Nacelle
Missile Pallet
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Centerline Hardpoint
Internal Leg
Missile Pallet
Engine Nacelle
Missile Pallet
Sound Warfare I:
MPM-23 Dagger x 6
MPM-20 Pike x 6
SGU-03 x 1
MPM-20 Pike x 6
MPM-23 Dagger x 6
VIII. Armor:
The armor on the VF-11 is a low-mass lunarium tungsten composite plating that is the standard for most Terran veritech fighters. Aside from the good protection provided against projectiles, missiles, and other kinetic weapons, this armor is also resistant to plasma globes (annihilation discs), lasers, and fair against, particle guns too, owing to the fact that the armor can flake off and evaporate in layers under fire from such high-energy weapons, taking much of the weapon's energy and converting it into the latent heat of sublimation in the armor. The armor stops all small arms fire, and has good resistance to all weapons commonly mounted on combat mecha.
The armor on the VF-11 Thunderbolt Full Armor series fighters is composed of lunarium and titanium mix. Aside from the excellent protection provided against projectiles, missiles, and other kinetic weapons, this armor is also resistant to plasma globes (annihilation discs), lasers, and to a adequate extent, particle guns, owing to the fact that the armor can flake off and evaporate in layers under fire from such high-energy weapons, taking much of the weapon's energy and converting it into the latent heat of sublimation in the armor. The armor stops all small arms fire, and has excellent resistance to all weapons commonly mounted on combat mecha. Thanks to the additional layers of armor this armor has been known to survive a direct hit by entire volley of missile fired from an HMM-7.
The armor on the VF-11K fighter is composed of lunarium and titanium mix similar to that used on the VF-19. Aside from the excellent protection provided against projectiles, missiles, and other kinetic weapons, this armor is also resistant to plasma globes (annihilation discs), lasers, and to a adequate extent, particle guns, owing to the fact that the armor can flake off and evaporate in layers under fire from such high-energy weapons, taking much of the weapon's energy and converting it into the latent heat of sublimation in the armor. The armor stops all small arms fire, and has excellent resistance to all weapons commonly mounted on combat mecha.
The Thunderbolt provides full protection from nuclear, biological, and chemical hazards, using an overpressure cockpit environment activated by radiation and hazardous chemical sensors, or manually when biological warfare conditions are anticipated. The internal consumables supplies can provide atmosphere for one day maximum.
IX. Development:
In 2035 RRG began development of a new high speed veritech to be used in the interception of small enemy groups and be able to face of against faster and more agile mecha which could cause problems for the VF-6 Alpha Fighter. However, with the prototype being completed in 2037 and subsequent release of the VF-12, the Thunderbolt design dubbed VF-X-11 lagged in development. After the disaster of Mars Division, several high ranking officers decided that not only was the force under gunned, but the Alpha Fighter was not enough to defeat all types of Invid mecha. The Alpha was a proven success against most of the Invid mecha such as the Trooper and Scout, but when it came to the newer designs such as the Booster Scout, the Alpha was outclassed. So in early 2042, the Robotech Research Group in cooperation with Boeing Aerospace began development of the VF-X-11 Thunderbolt.
The Thunderbolt represented a design change for the REF and had a lot more common with the VF-1 and VF-4 than the Alpha and Beta. Powered initially by upgraded VF-4 engines, the VF-11 managed substantially higher speeds and a superior thrust to mass ratio than either the Alpha or Beta (excluding the rocket boosters). The Thunderbolt lacks the multi-missile system of the Alpha and Beta, but does contain a pair of medium laser cannons and a pulse laser on its head. The lack of missiles was not a design flaw, but a direct result of the VF-11's mission profile as a high speed interceptor and destroy faster and more agile craft which could out maneuver most missiles. Therefore the VF-11 relied mostly on its lasers and its gunpod supplemented by hardpoint mounted munitions. The Thunderbolt can also use new FAST pack systems which evolved out of the original systems used by the VF-1. These new packs carry missiles, fuel, and additional engines giving the VF-11 an even higher thrust to mass ratio.
The initial prototype was tested in early 2044 on Tirol by Commander Max Sterling and performed admirably exceeding the expectations of her designers as well as those of the senior officers present and even the 'Blue Devil' himself. As such it was adopted and put into production. These versions were outfitted with a shadow device to be more effective against the Invid, but these were only for the first production run of the VF-11A and -11S. Three squadrons were equipped in time for the Battle of Reflex Point. Of these over fifty percent survived the battle and destroyed hundreds of Invid craft before the Invid fled Earth.
Large-scale production of the VF-11 was not possible until ground defense factories began functioning in late 2047 and by that time the VF-11A and -11S were joined by the trainer version, VF-11D all featuring an improved electronics package. In 2049 the VF-11B entered service featuring a improved optic systems which was retrofitted onto all existing VF-11s within several years. The VF-11C was a major improvement over the previous versions of the VF-11. The -11C had improved engines and a vastly superior electronic suite and all new weapons increasing the power of the weapons. Initially deployed in 2053, field conversions kits were delivered as well for all VF-11's, but this conversion was not complete until 2057.
In 2056 the Space Marines were interested in creating a super-heavy assault fighter based on the Armored VF-1 of the 1st Robotech War. As such engineers at British Aerospace developed the GBP-10 armor system for the VF-11. This armor systems was similar to the original GBP-01 system on the VF-1 and carried a large number of internal missiles and provided additional armor protection. The new armor system is armed with a total of 102 missiles as a primary weapon with a pair of twin beam particle cannons mounted on the shoulders for anti-ship purpose and a pair of FAST boosters each mounting four missiles launchers. However the firepower comes at the price of speed. Even with all the additional vernier thrusters and FAST boosters, the VF-11 Full Armor is not very agile when compared to the standard VF-11. Usually though this lack of agility is not much of a hindrance however as the VF-11 Full Armor can take most hits and still come back for more.
In actual combat the VF-11 served well and saw service as the premier veritech fighter with the new RDF forces and was reliable and cheaply produced requiring little field maintenance which lead to its wide spread use. It saw most of its military action in the Transient War of 2057 and easily defeated most of the improved Zentraedi mecha including the much feared female power armor. Even so, the VF-11 was still outclassed by the fighter pod and this shortcoming lead to its demise and began to be phased out at a more rapid pace by the VF-19 Excalibur.
The VF-11 however was not finished as it again saw service in the front lines in the Fourth Robotech War against the Marduk and the Varauta War in 2064 but was shown to be inferior in all cases to the most enemy mecha. In a interesting side note, the VF-11K Kai Veritech was developed by Dr. Gadget M. Chiba aboard SCO-07 UES Germany during the Varauta War and performed excellently thanks mostly to an engine upgrade. The VF-11K was designed as Sound Force Mecha and had a speaker gunpod and four internal missile launchers and a Sound Energy System as well as a guitar stick control systems. Still, most of the VF-11s were destroyed through combat and replaced with the superior VF-19 Excalibur and by 2070, the last VF-11 was withdrawn from front line use. Only the VF-11 Full Armor and VF-11K continued to see service and were not withdrawn until 2080 and 2090 respectively. The VF-11 continues to be used however in reserve squadrons and planetary militia forces thanks primarily to its low service cost.
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