The VFB-9 Beta Fighter is based on the AB-01 Tread Armo-Bomber from the anime series Genesis Climber Mospeada. It is a large aerospacecraft capable of making orbit on the brute-force power of its three huge rocket engines. The VBF-9 is rather unaerodynamic, flying on the "brick with giant engines" principle. Its huge size and slender wings give it an extremely high wing loading, degrading its performance further - in terms of combat use, the Beta is a giant missile truck and little more in fighter configuration. In Battloid mode, the Beta is a hulking, powerful combatant with an impressive array of weapons including three heavy beam guns in each forearm and several missile launchers. The Beta's third configuration is a VTOL and walking configuration.
The Beta has the unique ability to dock with an Alpha Fighter (the AFC-01 Legioss Armo-Fighter in Mospeada), combining the two into a larger combat unit. The Beta fighter provides additional fuel for a docked Alpha and gives it the necessary thrust for reaching orbit. Beta Fighters were used as unmanned boosters for their smaller Alpha brethren.
In older references that are not considered secondary continuity, the VFB-9 was referred to as the "VBF-1" Beta Fighter.
The Beta was preceded in service by the SFA-5 Conbat, of which very little is known. This fighter, originally called AF-03 Convert in Mospeada, is the Armo-Fighter predecessor of the Legioss that was used in an earlier campaign (along with the AS-C03 Condor), and it could transform into Armo-Soldier mode.
Design: RRG
Builder: Various
TREAD: Prototype; 6 built 2017.
VBF-X-8: Prototype; 3 built 2018.
VBF-9A: Served with the Navy 2022 to 2039; and Served with the REF AF and Marines 2034 to 2039.
VBF-9B: Served with the REF Navy, AF, and Marines from 2039 to 2075; and with the RF Navy, AF, Marines, and Spacy 2075 to introduction of the VBF-10.
VBF-9S: Served with the REF Navy, AF, and Marines from 2043 to 2075; and with the RF Navy, AF, Marines, and Spacy 2075 to introduction of the VBF-10 and VRF-3.
VBF-9T: Served with the REF Navy, AF, and Marines from 2034 to 2075; and with the RF Navy, AF, Marines, and Spacy 2075 to introduction of the VBF-10 and VRF-3.
VBE-9A: Served with the REF Navy and AF from 2035 to 2075; and with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy 2075 to introduction of the VBE-10.
VBE-9S: Served with the REF Navy, and AF from 2049 to 2075; and with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy 2075 to introduction of the VBF-10.
VBF-10A: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2098 to 2114
VBF-10B: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2114 to Introduction of the VBF-11.
VBF-10T: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2098 to introduction of the VBF-11.
VBF-11A: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2129 to Introduction of the VBF-12.
VBF-11T: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2129 to introduction of the VBF-12.
VBF-12A: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2134 to 2139.
VBF-12B: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy from 2139 to 2141.
VBF-12C: Served with the RF Navy from 2141 to present.
VBF-12E: Served with the RF Navy, AF, and Spacy 2141 to present.
VBF-12S: Served with the RF AF, and Spacy 2141 to present.
VBF-12T: Served with the RF AF, Navy, and Spacy 2134 to present.
VBC-1A: Civilian Model; Introduced in 2142.
VBC-1T: Civilian Trainer Model; Introduced in 2142.
VBR-2A: Rescue Services and Coast Guard Model; Introduced 2123.
VBR-2T: Rescue Services and Coast Guard Trainer Model; Introduced 2123.
VBE-10A: Served with the RF Navy, AF, Spacy, and Marines 2092 to till introduction of the VBE-10C.
VBE-10C: Served with the RF Navy, AF, Spacy, and Marines 2125 to till introduction of the VBF-12E and VRF-3E.
VRF-3A: Served with the RF Marines, Army, and Special Forces 2099 to introduction of the -3B.
VRF-3B: Served with the RF Marines, Army, and Special Forces 2113 to introduction of the -3C.
VRF-3C: Served with the RF Marines, Army, and Special Forces 2128 to present.
VRF-3E: Served with the RF Marines, Army, and Special Forces 2141 to present.
VRF-3T: Served with the RF Marines, Army, and Special Forces as a trainer, 2099 to present.
Height, Battloid:
13.70 meters
13.90 meters
6.710 meters
Depth, Battloid:
7.300 meters
7.300 meters
8.030 meters
Breadth, Battloid:
8.500 meters
8.500 meters
9.350 meters
Length, Fighter:
9.700 meters
9.700 meters
10.67 meters
Wingspan Fighter:
19.50 meters
19.50 meters
21.45 meters
Height, Fighter:
6.100 meters
7.200 meters
6.720 meters
Height, VTOL:
8.500 meters
9.600 meters
9.350 meters
Length, VTOL:
8.000 meters
8.000 meters
8.800 meters
Wingspan, VTOL:
19.50 meters
19.50 meters
21.45 meters
29.50 Metric tons
29.50 Metric tons
32.45 metric tons
Propulsion Systems:
3 x Pratt & Whitney JG102A [Main] Fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix turbines. Max output, 356 kN ea.
VBF-10/VBE-10/VRF-3A/-3B and Early -3T:
3 x Pratt & Whitney JG178G [Main] Fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix turbines. Max output, 432 kN ea.
VBF-11/VBR-2/Early VRF-3C and Middle -3T:
3 x Pratt & Whitney JG209L [Main] Fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix turbines. Max output, 463 kN ea.
VBF-12/VBC-1/Late VRF-3C and Late -3T:
3 x Pratt & Whitney JG214P [Main] Fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix turbines. Max output, 468 kN ea.
4 x Turbo-Union ATF 401 miniaturized fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix ramjets. Engines are mounted in pairs near the elbow joint of the arm for VTOL operations in jet mode [Auxiliary]. Each engine is rated to 46.9 kN standard thrust, max overboost to 91.1 kN each.
Assorted small reaction thrusters and gyroscopes for all-environment maneuvers, attitude adjustment, and stability.
4 RRL-2D Miniaturized Protoculture-cell energizer
Fuel Capacity:
32 standard canisters of protoculture
38.2 liters of D2O reactant.
Endurance and Mobility Limits:
Max Flying Speed:
8900 kph
482 kph
Max Running Speed:
128 kph
Service Ceiling:
35 km
2440 meters
18,000 meters
Protoculture Cell Endurance:
250 hours of continious combat usage
Delta-V Capafcity:
11.8 kps
Offers full protection from NBC environment; a one day air supply.
Weapons Systems:VBF-9A/T:
GU-13S three-barreled 35mm chain-gun, firing 2400 rounds per minute, 300 round belt. Ammunition is a mix of Tungsten-coated depleted Uranium Armor Piercing Spin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APSSDS), High Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP) and tracer rounds. This gun is the carbine version of the GU-13 gun pod in the Alpha, and due to its shorter barrels, accuracy, penetration, and range are appreciably reduced. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage intake beneath the cockpit. This gun is not available when the Alpha and Beta are joined.
GU-14 single-barreled 35mm autocannons (2): firing 500 rounds per minute, 500 round belt each. Ammunition is a mix of Tungsten-coated depleted Uranium Armor Piercing Spin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot (APSSDS), High Explosive Armor Piercing (HEAP) and tracer rounds. The two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines.
EP-14 three-barreled 80mm particle gun pod, firing 170 pulses per minute in full automatic mode, also capable of firing semi-automatic three-barrel blasts approximately once per second. This weapon fires 4.1 MJ pulses per barrel in each mode, drawing power from the aircraft's main energizers. This gun is the carbine version of the successful EP-13 gun pod in the later model Alphas, and due to its smaller size, its energy and range are appreciably reduced. This weapon was developed around 2035 and started being widely deployed in 2039. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage intake beneath the cockpit. The center gun is not available when the Alpha and Beta are joined.
EP-4 single-barreled particle cannons (2): capable of firing 9 MJ of particle energy every second, and is powered by the aircraft's energizers. This gun is the same as that used in the early models of the VF-4 Lightning. This weapon fit was developed around 2035 and started being widely deployed in 2039. The two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines.
All Save for VRF-3/VBC-1:
EU-35 triple-barreled Ion Pulse Cannons (2): on the forearm. Energy output 12.5 MJ per cannon, firing 45 times per minute. The cannon are located in the arms, with the barrels located above the Battloid's hands. The EU-35 incorporates accumulators for about 50MJ of energy to be used in rapid-fire situations, albeit at a 25% lower power-output.
EU-37 quaduple-barreled Ion Pulse Cannons (2): on the forearm. Energy output 12.5 MJ per cannon, firing 45 times per minute. The cannon are located in the arms, with the barrels located above the Battloid's hands. The EU-37 incorporates accumulators for about 50MJ of energy to be used in rapid-fire situations, albeit at a 25% lower power-output.
EU-14 triple-barrel Destabilizer (after 2043), sub-nuclear particle beam gun with output of 10 MJ per barrel, can fire up to 30 times/minute. The gun pod draws power from its own dedicated protoculture canister, but can by fired using the plane's own power, and is stored in fighter mode between the upper reserve engine/missile pylons. The particles have a specific, disrupting effect on force fields, and will short out a low power field completely, while high power fields may temporarily and locally cease to function. See the Shadow Alpha for details.
EU-4 single barrel Destabilizers (2): (after 2043), sub-nuclear particle beam gun with output of 10.9 MJ, can fire up to 30 times/minute. The gun pod draws power from its own dedicated protoculture canister, but can by fired using the plane's own power, and is stored in fighter mode between the upper reserve engine/missile pylons. The particles have a specific, disrupting effect on force fields, and will short out a low power field completely, while high power fields may temporarily and locally cease to function. See the Shadow Alpha for details.
VBF Models:BIHMMS Beta Integral Hammerhead Multi-missile systems (2): 40 inboard variable warhead, short range (8.2 km) Mach 3.0 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 190mm Hammerhead missiles. Launch ports are two 10-tube launchers located in the front chest/fuselage, and can fire in both modes, but are not available in the combined Alpha-Beta Legios configuration. Ten missiles are ready to fire in each launcher, with a single reload per tube. Various warhead options.
BICMMS Beta Integral Coralsnake Multi-missile systes (2): 32 inboard short range (8.2 km) Mach 3.2 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 340mm Coralsnake missiles; 16 ready to fire with one reload per tube. Launchers are of a pop-up design and are located behind the BIHMMS launchers. Available in all flight modes and configurations, including the combined Alpha-Beta Legios configuration. Various warhead options, though the Coralsnake's warhead is over twice the size of that on the Hammerhead.
VBE Models:
SICMMS Stalker Integral Coralsnake Multi-missile systems (2): 16 inboard short range (8.2 km) Mach 3.2 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 340mm Coralsnake missiles; ready to fire per tube. The reloads are sacrificed to electronics in this version. Launchers are of a pop-up design and are located in the same position as the VBF versions. Available in all flight modes and configurations, including the combined Alpha-Beta Legios configuration. Various warhead options, though the Coralsnake's warhead is over twice the size of that on the Hammerhead. Anti-radiation targeting systems are common for the Wild Weasel mission.
RIHMMS Retaliator Integral Hammerhead Multi-missile systems (2): 50 inboard variable warhead, short range (8.2 km) Mach 3.0 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 190mm Hammerhead missiles. Launch ports are two 10-tube launchers located in the front chest/fuselage, and can fire in both modes, but are not available in the combined Alpha-Beta Legios configuration. Ten missiles are ready to fire in each launcher, with a single reload per tube. Various warhead options.
RICMMS Retaliator Integral Coralsnake Multi-missile systes (2): 40 inboard short range (8.2 km) Mach 3.2 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 340mm Coralsnake missiles; 20 ready to fire with one reload per tube. Launchers are of a pop-up design and are located behind the BIHMMS launchers. Available in all flight modes and configurations, including the combined Alpha-Beta Legios configuration. Various warhead options, though the Coralsnake's warhead is over twice the size of that on the Hammerhead.
All: Note Civilian Models are only allowed to carry flare, anti-flame, and cargo pods on hardpoints:
3 Hardpoints per wing, with multiple ordnance options. Available payloads include, but are not limited to, the following:
Diamondback missiles. Eight such missiles can be stored on an AMER (Articulating Multiple Ejection Rack) on each inner hardpoint, seven on each middle hardpoint, and six on each outer hardpoint, for a total of up to forty-two MRMs.
or RMS-2 "Angel Of Death II" Nuclear Stand-off missile. One may be carried under each hardpoint, for a total of up to six.
or Firebird missile. One may be carried under each hardpoint, for a total of up to six.
or CBM-200 cluster missiles (one per hardpoint).
or Jammer pods, most commonly seen on the VBE-9.
or Chaff & flare dispenser pods, most commonly seen on the VBE-9.
None. Most weapons space is given over to cargo space save for one Hammerhead launcher which is loaded with smoke and flare missiles. Several of these have been bought or stolen by pirates and a hodge podge assortment of weapons have been added.
Hughes APG-113 X-band pulse-Doppler, providing spherical long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes.
All Save VBC-1:
Two Zeiss/Thomson multi-spectrum high-sensitivity scanner booms. Each boom features a 30cm CCD-equipped Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a 27cm IR telescopic imager, and a 24cm ultra-violet telescope. These two booms are mounted on swiveling arms, and are, when not in use in jet or VTOL mode, folded between the upper main engine sections to avoid FOD damage to the somewhat delicate optics. When used in the above modes, and under normal circumstances in Battloid mode, the optics arms are folded out into a 'T' shape for stereoscopic operation.
Phillips AllView multi-band digital camera system, for medium range spherical infra-red imaging, optical and ultra-violet band detection and tracking
Thomson LT-5 multi-frequency laser ranger and designator.
|Marconi Radar Warning Receiver (RWR)
OlDelft Infra-red Warning Receiver (IRWR)
Westinghouse ALQ-248 (V) active radar jammer
Smoke and chaff dispensers
Westinghouse APY-7 multi-band interleaved-multi-mode radar system, providing spherical very-long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes in addition to medium range imaging and target identification. This system includes passive modes for "stealthy" detection of targets.
Zeiss/Thomson multi-spectrum high-sensitivity scanner system including 15cm IR telescopic imager and 13.5cm ultra-violet telescope. These optics have internal shields to protect them when not in use.
Phillips AllView multi-band digital camera system, for medium range spherical infra-red imaging, optical and ultra-violet band detection and tracking.
Thomson LT-5 multi-frequency laser ranger and designator.
Westinghouse ALQ-258 (V) multi-channel wide-band radar detector/jammer
OlDelft Infra-red Warning Receiver (IRWR)
Westinghouse QRC-100 Infra-red Counter Measures (IRCM)
Thomson ASD-52 signal detector/receiver
Smoke and chaff dispensers
Active jammer dispensers
RRG mk2B Shadow: four-dimensional distortion field generator (downshifts and dampens protoculture radiation)
RRG mk3 EM-absorbing skin cover, strongly absorbing EM radiation from radio through ultra-violet wavelengths, and emitting only weakly in these wavebands.
Armor is made of lowmass composite-materials chobham plating.
The Beta C&C started out life as a standard VBE-9 Beta Elint. In a recent battle, it suffered catastrophic damage when it was virtually destroyed by a starship volley targeting the Thoroughbred's Electronic Warfare Betas. Enough parts were recovered to enable reconstruction of the basic airframe, and spare parts were used to replace some of the electronic systems. However, so many systems were destroyed that it was decided not to replace them with the few remaining spares in the ship's stores. Instead, it was decided to make this Beta into a Command and Control craft, complete with sensors and communications systems from Phase World starships and fighters. In order to fit everything in, it was decided that the Beta would be restricted to the Fighter and Guardian modes, with the requisite equipment for battloid mode removed for space for fuel, additional electronics, and the four additional crew members. It was decided to make the Beta C&C visually identical to the rebuilt VBE-9Ps, including switching the main drives over to CG technology, and adding the four high-power laser cannons.
Service History:
VBE-9PM: Unique. Modified from remains of a destroyed VBE-9P, approx: 2035-ish.
Vehicle Type: VBE-9PM: Six seat, all-weather, Command and Control mecha.Class: Variable Fighter
Manufacturer: REFS Thoroughbred
Crew: Two pilots and 4 Comm Officers wearing Tactical Life Support System.
Location MDC
Head 50
Shoulder/Chest Retractable Missile Bays (2) 200
(1) Top sensor suite 50
Upper Legs (2) 100
Lower Legs (2) 175
Wings (2) 100
Rear Thrusters (3) 75
Main Body 650
Variable Force Field 200 per side (1200 total)
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment 400
High Power Laser Cannons (4) 150
EP-14 (3) 75
Destroying the sensor suite will knockout long range communications (reduced to 60 miles/96 km range) and long range radar (reduce to 20 miles) and laser targeting (-1 to strike).
Depleting 100 MDC of the shoulder missile launchers will destroy the short range missile launchers 2xMM-20 located in the front of the Beta fighter.
Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha.
FLYING, GUARDIAN CONFIGURATION:500 kph/313 mph maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
At sea level / at 18 km: 760 mph (Mach 1) / 3800 mph (Mach 5)
Max level speed: 7608 mph (Mach 10) in ballistic flight
Orbital Flight: 7608 mph (Mach 10)
Max Sublight speed: 0.10c in ballistic flight.
Stall speed: 250 kph/156 mph (VTOL rectification possible)
Service ceiling: 45 km (unboosted). Beta can boost into orbit in ballistic flight.
3 x Flying Fang-class Phase World Standard CG-Drives. These are the main drives from two Flying Fang Fighters.
4 x Turbo-Union ATF 401 miniaturized fusion plasma-air/reaction mass intermix ramjets. Engines are mounted in pairs near the elbow joint of the arm for VTOL operations in jet mode [Auxiliary]. Each engine is rated to 46.9 kN standard thrust, max overboost to 91.1 kN each.
HEIGHT:8.5m / 9.6m in guardian configuration.
6.1m / fighter configuration.
19.5m at shoulders in Guardian and fighter configuration.
8.00m in guardian configuration.
9.7m in fighter configuration.
29,500 kg empty.
Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings. Since the cyclone storage compartment is being used to store computer and communications equipment, the cyclones for the pilot and the co-pilot/EWO are now stored in the passenger compartment. The passenger compartment now acts as a miniature armory for the Beta, with extra rifles, air supplies, and emergency space packs for the Comm Officers. There is an access hatch between the passenger compartment and the cockpit (as used by Rand in episode #83). The Beta is equipped with a rope ladder for picking up passengers and has a "bomb bay" style hatch as its floor, for this purpose.
VBE-9PM Bomb Bay: In this version of the -9P, the bomb bay has been removed and filled with enhanced electronics and four sets of seats and computer consoles.
1 x 25-year Anti-Matter Reactor.
1 x RRL-2P Miniaturized Protoculture-cell energizer.
8 standard canisters of Protoculture. Since the Protoculture is only used to power the musculature and control systems of this Beta, the canisters will now last about 2500 hours.
950 lit. H20 reactant for fusion engines.
EP-14 THREE-BARRELED 80MM PARTICLE CANNON (3): These weapons fire 3.2 MJ pulses per barrel powered directly from the fighter's main power. While it began testing on select models of the Beta in 2032, it became the replacement of the GU-XXS Cannons on all models in 2035. Two are mounted on the legs and one is mounted under the cockpit. When mated with an Alpha, the cockpit cannon is unavailable.
RANGE: 4000 feet / 1200 m; double in space.
MEGA-DAMAGE: 2D4 for each Single blast, 4D6 for each triple pulse, 1D6*10 for each medium burst, or 2D6*10 for each long burst.
RATE OF FIRE: Single shots or bursts equal to the combined attacks of the pilot.
PAYLOAD: Unlimited.
4 x FLYING FANG-CLASS HIGH-POWER LASER CANNONS: These are four retrofitted horn cannons mounted externally on the outside fairings of the main body, above and below the wing roots/arms. These cannons are available in all modes and fire forward only. They are aimed so that all shots from all four cannons can hit the same target out to the cannons' maximum range.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Spacecraft
RANGE: 2 miles in space. 4000 feet (1200 m) in an atmosphere.
MEGA-DAMAGE: 1D6x10 MD each. Can fire a double or quadruple blast for 2D6x10 MD or 4D6x10 MD.
RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the combined attacks of the pilot.
PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.
beta_missiles.jpg (29427 bytes)
2 x MM-10 MULTI-MISSILE SYSTEM: The Beta fighter has 40 short range Hammerhead missiles that launch from forward facing launch bays. The launching bays are two 10-tube launchers in the front chest/fuselage and can fire in all modes. However, once the Beta and Alpha combine the missiles are no longer available.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
RANGE: Varies
RATE OF FIRE: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, eight, ten, or all twenty.
PAYLOAD: 20 in each shoulder for a total of 40.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
RANGE: Varies with warhead
MEGA-DAMAGE: Varies with warhead
RATE OF FIRE: One at a time or in volleys of two, four, eight, or sixteen.
PAYLOAD: 16 Coralsnake missiles per launcher for a total of thirty two.
UNDERWING ORDNANCE: Three hardpoints per wing with multiple ordnance options. Available payloads include, but are not limited to the following:
MEDIUM RANGE MISSILES: Eight missiles can be stored on an AMER (Articulating Multiple Ejection Rack) on each inner hardpoint, seven on each middle and six on each outer hardpoint, for a total of up to forty-two medium range missiles.
LONG RANGE MISSILES: Each hardpoint can carry one long range missile.
CBM-200 cluster missiles: Each hardpoint can carry one. Two hundred guided cluster bombs with a range of 500 meters mounted on a long range missile. Customized for anti-mecha operations both in space and on the ground. 1D6*10 MDC to every mecha in 500 meter blast radius.
RF/IR JAMMER PODS: Each hardpoint can carry one RF or one IR jamming pod used to divert guided missiles.
RANGE: 5 km
NOTES: Subtract -5 from the natural die roll of the missile attack (missile bonuses do not apply) for dumb missiles (+2 to strike bonus or less), -3 from standard missiles (+3 to strike), -1 from intelligent missiles (+4 to strike or greater). Bonuses do not stack from multiple jammer pods.
PROTOCULTURE FLARE PODS: Each hardpoint can carry up to one Protoculture Flare pod. Each Protoculture jammer produces waveforms in band to the Invid's protoculture sensors so great that it effectively blinds them to other inbound signals.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-Invid Sensor
RANGE: 10 km
NOTES: Although the Invid will know the direction and distance of the mecha carrying the Protoculture flare; however, the flare will blind the Invid from detecting any other targets within the 10 km effective range.
CHAFF AND FLARE PODS: Can carry up to 20 chaff and flares. Range: 100 m.
Notes: Since it is impossible for a player to know what type of missile is being used against them, one chaff and one flare must be dispensed to attempt to jam an incoming missile volley. Subtract -3 from the natural die roll for dumb missiles (those with strike rolls +2 or less), -2 from the natural die from for standard missiles (+3 to strike), -1 from the natural die roll from intelligent missiles (+4 or greater to strike). If the natural die roll, without any strike bonuses added falls below +5 then the decoys are effective and the missile(s) will miss their intended target. ALPHA STRIKE: The Beta can perform a linked Alpha Strike of all its forward energy weapons on one target. This volley consists of the Laser Cannons and the Particle Cannons. In either mode, this counts as a Burst and costs 2 actions.
RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m) in an atmosphere, double in space.
RATE OF FIRE: Costs 2 actions.
LEGIOS NOTE: When linked with the Alpha Fighter, their combined volley does 8D6x10 MD.
C&C BAY: The Command and Control bay has computer consoles and seats for four communications techs. These techs are responsible for coordinating military actions where it isn't practical to bring the Thoroughbred. These techs have access to all frequencies and codes used by Thoroughbred's REF battlegroup.
HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the Beta can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The VBE-9PM is limited in the hand to hand combat moves it can perform, limited to body blocks, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.
Kick: 3D6
Leap Kick: 6D6
Body Block/Tackle: 3D6
Stomp: 3D4 (only effective against small objects)
beta_metamorphosis2.jpg (22968 bytes)AUTO-PILOT: The VBE-9PM is equipped with a computerized auto-pilot, allowing the pilot to relax or even sleep during long voyages. The auto-pilot can be programmed with a single destination or a complex flight plan involving multiple speeds, directions, and destinations. The onboard computer will alert the pilot when the fighter is near its destination, and can also be set to automatically signal when sensors detect objects near the mecha. The auto-pilot was designed with long intra-system space journeys in mind.RADIO/VIDEO COMMUNICATION: Long range, directional communications system with satellite relay capabilities. Range: 1200 miles (960 km) [x10 in space] or can be boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: Range: 300 ft (91.5 m). A sound amplification system that can pick up normal conversation up to 300 feet away.
HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life threatening heat and radiation. A radiation detection and alarm system are linked with the shields and will sound an alarm if there is a rupture in the shields and what the levels of radiation are.
HOMING SIGNAL: The escape pod of the VBF-9 is equipped with a homing device that enables rescue teams to locate a disabled craft or ejected life pod. The range of the signal is 400 miles (640 km). Most REF ships and veritechs can locate and track a homing signal, and the onboard computers will automatically notify their pilots if such a signal is detected.
Note: At this time, there is no provision of an escape pod for the comm techs in the C&C Bay.
LOUDSPEAKER: A loudspeaker system is built into the craft, which can be used to amplify the pilot's voice up to 90 decibels.
SELF-DESTRUCT: To prevent capture of an advance variable fighter by the enemy, the pilot can activate the VBF-9 self-destruct system, which will cause the fighter to explode after a delay of up to 60 minutes (time is set by the pilot). The explosive damage is contained within a 20 foot (6 m) area and inflicts 1D6x10 M.D. to everything within the radius of the explosion. All internal systems are obliterated. The escape pod will be automatically ejected prior to the explosion unless the pilot overrides the ejection sequence.
STANDARD SURVIVAL KITS (2): All REF veritechs come equipped with a portable survival kit. Inside the small reinforced box is a medium-sized flashlight, two hand flares, one rocket flare, a compass, infrared distancing binoculars, a small mirror, a pocket knife, dehydrated and concentrated food (can be stretched into a five day supply for one person) and basic first aid items (aspirin, bandages, disinfectants, etc.)
TACTICAL LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM: The VBF-9 cockpit is pressurized, and also provides additional air feeds to the pilot's flight suit that provides him with pressurized breathing. The REF flight suit also contains an upper and lower g-suit that promotes blood circulation even during high-g turns, thus decreasing the possibility of pilot's blacking out in combat.
COMBAT COMPUTER: The combat computer tracks and identifies specific enemy targets, and has a database of over 40,000 images stored in memory. The computer can identify and track up to 500 targets simultaneously.
Westinghouse APY-7 multi-band interleaved-multi-mode radar system, providing spherical very-long-range detection and tracking of targets at all altitudes in addition to medium range imaging and target identification. This system includes passive modes for "stealthy" detection of targets. Upgraded to Phase World-Standard detection and scanning methods. (Range 3000 miles, x10 in space)
Two Zeiss/Thomson multi-spectrum high-sensitivity scanner booms. Each boom features a 30cm CCD-equipped Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope, a 27cm IR telescopic imager, and a 24cm ultra-violet telescope. These two booms are mounted on swiveling arms, and are, when not in use in jet or VTOL mode, folded between the upper main engine sections to avoid damage to the somewhat delicate optics. When used in the above modes the optics arms are folded out into a 'T' shape for stereoscopic operation.
Phillips All-View multi-band digital camera system, for medium range spherical infra-red imaging, optical and ultra-violet band detection and tracking.
Thomson LT-5 multi-frequency laser ranger and designator. (Range 30 kilometers)
Westinghouse ALQ-258 (V) multi-channel wide-band radar detector/jammer. Range: 350 miles.
OlDelft Infra-red Warning Receiver (IRWR)
Westinghouse QRC-100 Infra-red Counter Measures (IRCM)
Thomson ASD-52: Multi-band voice and data link signal detector/jammer. Range 40 miles.
RF/IR Jammer: Jams the guidance of smart missiles. Range: 10 km. Subtract -5 from the natural die roll of missile attacks (missile bonuses do not apply) for dumb missiles (+2 to strike bonus or less), -3 from standard missiles (+3 to strike), -1 from intelligent missiles (+4 to strike or greater).
SPECIAL NOTE: All systems have been upgraded to be fully compatible with Phase World-Standard detection and scanning methods.
CHAFF, FLARE, AND SMOKE DISPENSERS: Can carry up to 30 chaff, 30 flares, and 20 smoke bundles. Range: 100 m.
Notes: Since it is impossible for a player to know what type of missile is being used against them, one chaff and one flare must be dispensed to attempt to jam an incoming missile volley. Subtract -3 from the natural die roll for dumb missiles (those with strike rolls +2 or less), -2 from the natural die from for standard missiles (+3 to strike), -1 from the natural die roll from intelligent missiles (+4 or greater to strike). If the natural die roll, with out any strike bonuses added falls below +5 then the decoys are effective and the missile(s) will miss their intended target.
2 attacks per melee (plus those of the pilot).
Add one additional action/attack at levels six and twelve.
+1 to strike in fighter, +2 in Guardian
+3 to parry
+3 in guardian, +4 in jet mode.
+2 to roll with a punch or fall with an impact, reducing damage by half.
Critical strike same as pilot's hand-to-hand.
As Rifts: Ultimate Edition Robot Combat Basic.
Random Hit Locations
When there is an equal chance of hitting both sides from 1D6
1-3 hits the right side
4-6 hits the left
When there is a preferred side, roll 1D10
1-8 hits the preferred side
9-10 hits the opposite side
Beta Fighter
Head (Main Body) - - - 01-05 -
Hands (Forearms) - 01-05 - - -
Shoulder Missile Bays (Main Body) 01-25 - 01-19 06-35 01-15
Forearm Shields (Upper Arms) - - 20-29 36-46 16-25
Upper Arms (Main Body) 26-30 - 30-34 - 26-30
Top Sensor Suite (Main Body) - - - 47-49 -
Upper Legs (Main Body) - - - - 31-35
Lower Legs (Upper Legs) - 06-45 35-44 50-64 3 6-55
Wings (Forearm Shields) 31-49 46-65 45-49 65-74 56-65
Bomb Bay (Main Body) - 66-70 - - 6 6-75
Rear Thrusters (Main Body) - 71-89 - - -
Main Body 50-87 90-95 50-80 75-84 76-89
Pilot's Compartment 88-95 - 81-90 85-95 90-95
GU-XX/EP-14 97-00 - 91-95 - 96-00
EU-35 - 96-00 96-00 96-00 -
Beta Guardian
Head (Main Body) - - - 01-05 -
Hands (Forearms) - 01-05 - - -
Shoulder Missile Bays (Main Body) 01-25 - 01-19 06-35 01-15
Forearm Shields (Upper Arms) 26-30 - 20-29 36-55 16-25
Upper Arms (Main Body) - - 30-34 - 26-30
Top Sensor Suite (Main Body) - 06-10 - 56-60 -
Upper Legs (Main Body) 31-35 11-20 - - 31-40
Lower Legs (Upper Legs) 36-50 21-50 35-44 - 41-65
Wings (Forearm Shields) 51-55 51-55 45-49 - 66-69
Bomb Bay (Main Body) - 56-60 - - 70-75
Rear Thrusters (Main Body) - 61-65 - 61-65 -
Main Body 56-87 66-95 50-80 66-84 76-89
Pilot's Compartment 88-98 - 81-90 85-95 90-95
EP-14 99-00 - 91-95 - 96-00
High-Powered Lasers - 96-00 96-00 96-00 -
Robotech Technical Files: Veritech Beta Fighter VBF-9
Palladium Books: "The Sentinels"
Palladium Books: "Phase World"