REF_Legios.gifAB-01 TREAD Armo-Bomber
TRans-EArth DeploymentWARNING: EXTREMELY POWERFUL! This mecha is a very powerful Veritech fighter and should be handled with care by GMs. Liberal application of this design may be unbalancing to game play!

The VBF-3 Close Combat Heavy Assault Beta Fighter was an experimental mecha combat superiority fighter designed to be a complimentary design for the VAF-9 Heavy Assault Alpha Fighter produced during the early days of the Third Invid War. Both mecha designs were intended to serve as the spearhead for the Prometheus Mission liberation force being sent to Earth to liberate the world from the Invid forces. Designed to combat new invid mecha (but built with very little information on the capabilities of the invid mecha it was intended to face) the VAF-9 and VBF-3 both incorporated the most advanced mecha combat systems available to the Project Shadowchaser R&D engineers at the time.

Like its VAF-9 companion, the VBF-3 was built around the new FF-4000X Experimental Fusion/Protoculture Variable Turbines, dual-source protoculture engines that could supply tremendous thrust and maneuvering power both inside and outside of an atmosphere. In addition the Beta contains two new XTR-90 rocket boosters for quickly achieving orbital velocity while attached to a VAF-9 Alpha. The VBF-3 is significantly larger than the VBF-2 and VBF-1 Betas due to the size requirements of the two immense engine systems. However, the larger airframe and stronger superstructure allowed the designers to mount heavier weapons on the new fighter as well. The missile launchers in the shoulders were expanded to include an extra 10 missiles (60 total) in each unit, while the medium-range missiles were moved from the overhead rack to the legs of the mecha and expanded in capacity to a total of 20 MRMs. Like previous Betas the VBF-3 also has two long range missiles mounted on either side of the cockpit.

Non-missile weapon systems were augmented as well. Thanks to new revisions in the GU-XX firing chamber design it was possible to mount a compressed version of the popular autocannon in each arm, giving the fighter tremendous punch at short to medium range. As backup for the GU-XXs, a modified version of the EU-16 Energy Cannon was mounted in the chest of the mecha, immediately below the pilot's compartment. These weapons could be fired in any mode, though in guardian and fighter modes they were limited to front (EU-16) and rear (GU-XX) arcs only. Eliminating the overhead MRM rack allowed designers to include a feature that had never before been mounted on a Beta veritech; a head. In addition to the advanced targeting sensors mounted in the head, two TWR-30 pulse lasers identical to the ones used by the VAF-9 Veritech were added for anti-missile and anti-personnel defense. Finally, the VBF-3 was armed with a heavy gun pod somewhat similar to those used by smaller Alpha fighters. As the new Beta was designed to augment the VAF-9 in close-range intense combat, designers felt that the veritech could benefit from a gun pod for mecha-to-mecha dogfights. The gun pod chosen for the VBF-3 was the immense EU-18, an experimental energy cannon so massive that it could not even be carried by smaller aircraft.

The design of the VBF-3 seemed to be plagued with mishaps. The initial prototype went out of control and crashed during its first test flight, killing the test pilot. Review of the wreckage traced the problem to a flaw in the flight computer's software that coordinated thrust between the two main engines. No sooner had this problem been corrected than 4 of the 5 remaining remaining prototypes were requisitioned by the REF for service in the Icarus fleet. Several engineers were asked to accompany the VBF-3s and help to service them aboard the U.S.S. Icarus. The engineers escaped in a VBF-3 to earth when the Icarus fleet was destroyed, but were captured by frags and later rescued by freedom fighters in one of the more dramatic human victories of the Third Invid War.

NOTE: Due to their scarcity, encountering a VBF-3 Beta on Earth during the Third Invid War should be a VERY rare occurrance. Although all 3 VBF-3s made it to earth from the ill-fated Icarus Recon Mission, their fate is left up to the GM. Players should be required to go on a LONG adventure and face MANY dangers before they can get their hands on a VBF-3.

Meanwhile, back on Tirol work continued on perfecting the design using the last available prototype. Eventually enough VBF-3s were produced to supply the Prometheus Assault Group with several full squadrons of VAF-9/VBF-3 Legios fighters. These elite squadrons took point in the final battles of the Third Invid War and became legends in the realm of Veritech combat. However, due to the immense cost of the VBF-3 the design was never truly mass-produced. Following the end of the war only enough were built to replace those lost and to equip a handful of elite REF units. In 2059, Vanguard Aerospace and Tirolian Weapons Research tried to modernize the design as a companion to their VAF-9 Mark II Veritech, resulting in the devlopment of the VBF-4 Beta. The VBF-4 became the standard Beta fighter of the Robotech Guardian Forces (RGF) for a few years, but was itself replaced during the RGF reorganization of 2065. Only two VBF-3s from the Third Invid War are known to have survived. One is in the Robotech War Memorial Museum in New York on Earth, while the other is on Tirol in the Robotech Guardian Forces Museum.

Like the VBF-2, the color scheme for the VBF-3 is based on where the unit is stationed, i.e. space Veritechs are usually painted flat black, desert Veritechs are painted with a light tan camouflage, etc. The Veritech was only produced in one model (the VBF-9C) and was streamlined in colors that matched the VAF-9 Alpha it was assigned to (blue for VAF-9C's, red for VAF-9J's, and green for VAF-9S's).

Click on the icon to the left to view some schematics from the REF VBF-3 Beta Fighter development report, document REF-A1-4432-1937, TOP SECRET!

Vehicle Type: Heavy Assault Stealth Veritech Fighter
Models: VBF-3C (Standard Model)
Although initially planned, no other variants were ever produced.
Crew: Pilot, Gunner (optional), Communication/Sensory Equipment Operator (optional). Note: the VBF-3 does NOT have a bomb bay and therefore cannot carry extra passengers.

(1) Sensor Head 75
Head Lasers (2) 30 each
Hands (2) 75 each
Shoulders/Chest Missile Bays (2) 220 each
(2) Forearm Shields/GU-XX Guns (2) 450 each
Upper Arms (2) 120 each
Upper Legs (2) 150 each
Lower Legs/Missile Bays (2) 210 each
Wings (2) 120 each
Main Thrusters (2, in Legs) 175 each
Secondary Thrusters (2, in Torso) 100 each
(3) Main Body 500
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment 220
(4) EU-16 Gun Pod (built into chest) 75
EU-18 Gun Pod 150

Destruction of the sensor head will greatly reduce the pilot's sensory and targeting equipment, though backup systems prevent total sensory blindness. Long-range radar is reduced to 2 mile range. Radio and Laser communication systems are lost, but an auxiliary system provides voice-only radio with a 100 mile range. Head Spotlights, Thermo-Imager, Night vision Optics, Audio Pickup, and Head Lasers are lost. Laser targeting is also destroyed; -1 to strike.
The forearm shields can be used to shield the main body or body parts from damage. The character can try to block any incoming attack, even missiles, by blocking with one or both arms (missiles require both arms). Roll a parry, and if successful, only the arm shields take damage. NOTE: Destroying the forearm shields will destroy the wing connection joints and damage the wing(s), making transformation to jet or guardian modes impossible! The forearm-mounted GU-XX gun pods are also lost.
Depleting the M.D.C. of the main body will completely shut the mecha down.
The EU-16 Gun Pod is build into and protected by the main body. Because it is such a difficult target, attackers are -4 to strike it.

NOTE: The VBF-3 Beta incorporates the Southern Cross' laser resistant ceramic armor, so laser weapons do only HALF damage. This does NOT include any other energy attacks such as particle beams or ion blasts, nor does it help against explosives.
Jet Mode with Jet Thrusters: Up to Mach 2.0 (1340 mph/2140.8 kmph), with a ceiling of 60 miles (96 km).
Jet Mode with Rocket Thrusters: Mach 8.5 (5800 mph/9114.5 kmph), making the mecha transatmospheric (able to blast into outer space under its own power).
Jet Mode Cruising Speed: Mach 1.0 (670 mph/1072 kmph)
Guardian Mode: Hover stationary to about Mach 1.0 (670 mph/1072 kmph), with a maximum altitude of 30,000 ft (9150 m), or about 4 miles.
Battloid Mode Flying: Hover stationary to about 500 mph/800 kmph, with a maximum altitude of 10,000 ft (3048 m).
Battloid Mode Running: 80 mph (128 kmph)
Battloid Mode Leaping: 80 ft (24.4 m) up or across without using jet boosters, 300 ft (91.5 m) with jet boosters.Height: 42 ft (12.6 m) in battloid mode
33.6 ft (10.1 m) in guardian mode
24 ft (7.2 m) in jet mode
Width: 36.4 ft (10.9 m) at shoulders in battloid mode
83.2 ft (25 m) jet and guardian modes with wings fully swept
Length: 28.8 ft (8.6 m) in battloid mode
38.4 ft (11.5 m) in jet and guardian modes
Weight: 18.5 tons without missiles, 26.8 tons fully loaded.
Cargo: Storage space behind cockpit can hold about 300 lbs (136.2 kg) or one additional passenger. If the Cyclone is removed from its storage compartment, the compartment can hold an additional 500 lbs (226.8 kg).
Main Engine: Two FF-4000X fusion/protoculture turbine in the lower torso, plus two XTR-90 rocket boosters, one in each leg.
Secondary Engines: 3 FF-3800 nuclear fusion rocket engines.
Range: 24 protoculture cells will give the mecha an active combat life of about two years. The mecha can operate on half as many cells (12) for 12 months, but maximum speed is reduced by half and the mecha is at -1 to strike. As a last resort, the mecha can operate solely on fusion power, but maximum speed is reduced by 75%, the head lasers cease to function, the mecha is at -2 to strike and -2 to dodge, and the Beta loses it's transatmospheric capability (the main thrusters can not work on fusion power alone).


HEAD MOUNTED TWR-30 PULSE LASERS (2): Two Tirolian-designed pulse lasers are mounted in the head of the Veritech. They can fire individually or in tandem, and are aimed by moving the mecha's head.

Primary Purpose: Anti-personnel, Anti-aircraft
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per individual blast or 8D6 M.D. per dual blast.
Payload: Unlimited
Range: 4000ft (1200m)

MM-60S SUPER MULTI-MISSILE SYSTEM: The VBF-3 Beta has two MM-60S systems built into each chest/shoulder area in Battloid and accessible on the right and left of the cockpit in Jet or Guardian mode. The retractible systems raise their missile launchers from protective storage bays to fire volleys of short-range missiles. The two MM-60 systems can fire independently or simultaneously. The automatic reload system enables the pilot to fire his entire payload of 120 missiles in one melee (this is possible by firing both MM-60 systems simultaneously, launching 20 missiles (10 each) each melee attack up to six times. NOTE: The MM-60S can be launched in all modes.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Aircraft
Missile Type: Standard RDF/REF short-range missiles, usually high explosive, armor piercing, or plasma. Different types are rarely mixed, so all 40 missiles per launcher would be the same. Of course, missiles can be mixed if desired.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, or ten (or twenty, if both launchers are fired at the same time). One volley counts as one attack. the number of attacks per melee is equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand attacks per melee (usually 4 or 5).
Range: Varies with missile type; 1 to 5 miles.
Payload: 50 missiles per each launcher, for a total capacity of 100.
NOTE: The war-torn world makes the availability of missiles an extremely rare event. Players should be careful not to expend all their character's missiles too soon, because it may be a long time before more are found.
MEDIUM-RANGE LEG MISSILES: Each lower leg has a medium-range missile launcher built into it. These missiles can be fired in any mode (missiles exit the bottom of the mecha in jet mode).

Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Missile Type: Standard REF medium-range missiles, usually armor-piercing or plasma.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time, or in volleys of two, four, six, eight, or ten (all).
Range: Varies with missile type; 40 to 80 miles.
Payload: Ten in each leg, for a total of 20.

TWO LONG RANGE MISSILES: These can be seen in the mid-chest area of the Beta in Battloid, or on either side of the cockpit in Jet and Guardian modes. These can be launched only from Jet or Guardian mode.

Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Spacecraft
Missile Type: Standard RDF/REF long-range missiles, usually proton, reflex heavy, and reflex multi-warhead.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: One at a time.
Payload: Two
NOTE: Surprisingly, the long-range missiles are about as rare as the short-range missiles because there are few mecha that use them. All reflex and proton missiles are extremely rare.

GU-XX 35mm ARM-MOUNTED GUN PODS: Each arm shield has an auto-feed GU-XX built into it. This weapon is exactly like the GU-XX handgun used by the old VAF-6 Alpha Fighters, but has a greater ammunition payload. Reloading the Beta's GU-XXs requires tools, a mechanic, and 3D4x2 minutes.

Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 4D6 M.D. per short burst, 1D4x10 M.D. per medium burst and 2D4x10 M.D. for a full melee burst.
Rate of Fire: Short and medium bursts count as one attack, with the number of attacks equal to the pilot's combined hand to hand melee attacks (usually 4 or 5). Both guns can be fired simultaneously at the same target, in which case both bursts count as one attack. A full melee attack takes the place of all other attacks (both guns can still be concentrated on one target).
Payload: 80 short bursts, or 40 medium bursts (equal to 2 short bursts), or 20 full melee bursts (equal to 4 short bursts) PER ARM. Total of 160 short bursts, or 80 medium bursts, or 40 full melee bursts.
Range: 4000 ft (1200 m)
Note: Can be fired in any mode, but in Guardian and Jet modes firing arcs are limited to the rear of the mecha.

EU-16 ENERGY GUN POD: A rapid-fire energy rifle similar to the old EU-11 gun pod is built into the body of the Beta. Firing arc is limited to the front of the mecha.

Primary Purpose: Assault/Defense
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 M.D. per blast (bursts are NOT possible).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of hand-to-hand attacks per melee.
Payload: Unlimited.
Range: 6000 ft (1800 m)

EU-18 ENERGY GUN POD: This enormous and very powerful energy weapon is standard issue for VBF-3C Beta fighters. Designed for extra-heavy combat, this gun pod is so big that only the VBF-3s can effectively hold and use it (no other mecha can use it). Two EU-18 gun pods can be carried and used by the Beta, but in almost all cases only one is issued per fighter. The EU-18 is mounted on the undercarriage of the Beta in Jet and Guardian modes. It can be fired in any mode, either from it's mounted position or hand-held by the mecha.

Primary Purpose: Assault
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10+40 M.D. per blast (bursts are NOT possible).
Rate of Fire: Equal to the pilot's combined number of hand-to-hand attacks per melee.
Payload: 6 per energy clip.
Range: 3000 ft (900 m)
Note: Two EU-18 energy clips can be stored in the legs (one in each leg). It requires one full melee (15 seconds) to reload a clip. Only the biggest REF ships and bases can recharge an EU-18 energy clip.

HAND TO HAND COMBAT: The VBF-3 Beta can engage in hand-to-hand combat if necessary (in fact, it is designed for it). The Beta's powerful hands and oversized servos can do fearsome damage if it gets hold of enemy mecha.

Punch does 3D6 M.D. in Battloid
Kick does 3D6 M.D. in Guardian/Battloid
Body Flip/Throw does 2D6 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle does 2D6 M.D.
Stomp does 2D4 M.D.


SF-10 SHADOW CLOAKING DEVICE: All VBF-3 Beta Fighters are equipped with the SF-10 Shadow Cloaking Device. The stats for this device are the same as those for the VAF-9 Alpha Fighter.
LASER-RESISTANT CERAMIC COATING: Invented during the construction of Southern Cross mecha, this coating scrambles laser tracking and reduces laser damage by half (lasers ONLY).
RADAR: 40 mile range. Can identify and track up to 60 targets simultaneously.
BACKUP RADAR: 10 mile (16 km) range. Can identify and track up to 20 targets simultaneously.
RADIO COMMUNICATIONS: Wide band and directional radio and video telecast capabilities. Range is 600 miles (945 km) or can be boosted indefinitely via satellite relay.
LASER COMMUNICATIONS: Long-range, directional communication system. Effective range: 100,000 miles (157,500 km).
COMBAT COMPUTER: Calculates, stores, and transmits data onto the cockpit computer screen, heads-up display (H.U.D.), or the pilot's helmet display. Patches in with the VAF-9's targeting computer when the two are docked.
TARGETING COMPUTER: Assists in the tracking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the VBF-3's high strike bonus.
LASER TARGETING SYSTEM: 100 mile (160 km) range. Assists in the striking of enemy targets and is partly responsible for the VBF-3's high strike bonus.
MOTION DETECTOR AND COLLISION WARNING SYSTEM: 500 ft (152.5 m) range. Sounds an alarm and red light warns pilot of impending collision and/or immediate target.
TELESCOPIC OPTICAL ENHANCEMENT: 4000 ft (1218 m) range, up to 64x magnification. 20 ft (6.1 m) field of vision.
THERMO-IMAGER: 4000 ft (1218 m) range. A special optical heat sensory unit that allows the infrared radiation of warm objects to be converted into a visible image. It also enables the pilot to see in darkness, shadows and through smoke.
NIGHTVISION OPTICS: 4000 ft (1812 m) range. An image intensifier that is passive, meaning it emits no light of its own, but relies on ambient light which is electronically amplified to give a visible picture. Nightvision can not work in absolute darkness (but infrared and thermo-imagers can).
EXTERNAL AUDIO PICKUP: 300 ft (91.5 m) range. A sound amplification listening system that can pick up a whisper 300 ft away.
HEAD SPOTLIGHTS: 600 ft. (182 m) range.
EJECTOR SEAT: In case of an emergency, all three crewmembers can be instantly ejected.
CE-1 CYCLONE EJECTOR SYSTEM: Also in case of an emergency, all three VR-135 Forager Cyclones will also be ejected from the doomed mecha. This system is activated automatically when the pilot pulls the activation lever for his ejection seat. The cyclones will deploy parachutes once outside of the mecha and then land within 1D6x1000 feet of the pilot and crew. This system was installed to allow pilots to retrieve their cyclones even after their veritechs had been destroyed.
SELF-DESTRUCT: A last ditch effort to prevent the capture of a Veritech unit (usually preceded by the pilot's ejection from the Veritech) is self-destruction. Explosive damage is fairly contained. A VBF-3 Beta without missiles (or few) does 4D6 x 10 M.D., but a Veritech with all or most of its missiles (35 or more) will do 3D6 x 100 M.D. to a 50 ft (15.2 m) radius.
SMOKE SCREEN SYSTEM: The VBF-3 Beta can emit a thick cloud of smoke from its rear to create immediate cover. The smoke screen system can discharge a maximum of 4 bursts before needing replacement (smoke missiles can be converted to function in the system). Each burst will cover a 60 ft area (19.8 m).
HEAT AND RADIATION SHIELDS: Special shielding prevents the penetration of life-threatening heat and radiation.
INDEPENDANT OXYGEN AND CIRCULATORY SYSTEM: Built-in tanks provide one (1) week of continuous oxygen. With the special recycling systems, this may be extended to four (4) weeks.
SURVIVAL GEAR: The VBF-3 includes three VR-135 Forager Cyclones, six weeks' compact emergency rations, an emergency signal beacon, three first-aid kits, and a life raft. There is space for an energy rifle to be attached to each ejector seat, and the crew of course carry side-arms.
NOTE: For the purposes of this section, the "gunner" is anybody who has weapon systems skill and is in the gunner's station of the Beta, whether he is the Beta Gunner, Comm Officer, or just somebody along for the ride.

The gunner receives as many attacks per melee as if he had equivalent-level Beta Basic Combat (or Expert Combat, if he has Expert Combat). He can control all the weapons in the Alpha (if the Beta is connected and the Alpha pilot allows) and Beta, or just choose certain weapons (as many as he thinks he can handle) before combat begins. When the gunner is controlling a weapon, nobody else can use it until he releases control, even if the gunner never fires it!

Weapons to be controlled by the gunner must be declared before combat begins. It takes one full melee for the gunner to change to different weapons, and during that time he can fire no weapons, and none of the weapons he has been firing, or is about to assume control of, may be fired by anybody else until they're completely programmed in.

The gunner can control only weapons fire, not hand-to-hand combat. The gunner may control the gun pod of the Alpha when it is mounted on the plane. When the Alpha is holding it in its hand, however, he may NOT control it.
When the gunner is firing a weapon, he receives an additional +1 to hit. These bonuses do NOT apply to missiles (so missiles will probably not be among the weapons the gunner chooses to operate) but DO apply to mini-missiles
The AB-01 Tread is not intended as a frontline combat fighter like the Legioss, but a heavy bomber to extend both the effectiveness of the Mars Base military and the Legioss. Like it's small brother, the Tread has three modes. In Armo-Bomber mode, the Tread resembles a heavy brick with wings, bearly able to keep flying because of it's size. In Armo-Diver mode, the Tread can slow down faster than any other Mars Base ship or mecha, even while it's linked to a Legioss. In Armo-Soldier mode the Tread knows no equal, a massive mountain of armor and firepower that can walk through even the heaviest Inbit energy bolts virtually unharmed. The Tread has the unusual feature of being able to act as a booster for the Legioss, so that the smaller mecha can even control a un-piloted Tread and change between modes. The Tread offers no pretense of maneovureablity over firepower, packing more weapons than any other Mars Base mecha. Three forward facing beam guns in Armo-Bomber mode, two sets of missiles launchers - one in the chest and the other popping up from the shoulders and finally two tri-barreled rapid fire beam cannons mounted in each forearms allow the Tread overpower any foe.
The TREAD Armo-Bomber owes its creation to failure of the First Earth Recapture Mission. Over half the new Legioss fighters failed to survive re-entry or have enough power to escape Earth quickly when it became necessary to retreat. Apart from these small problems the Legioss was prefect, and it was decided to find ways to correct the flaws without completely re-designing the whole mecha. The TREAD started out as a simple booster rocket, which attached to the rear of the Legioss, it soon was revised with added features and modification such as allowing the Legioss to transform into Armo-Soldier mode while the booster was still attached added still further problems. Then they were asked to develop a new variable heavy combat mecha that didn't suffer from these same problems. They solved all these problems in one go by combining all these into one package, a heavy variable fighter/bomber which can achieve orbit on it's own or while linked to the Legioss.
The TREAD benefited from the advances in technology forced by the Invid invasion. The mecha features some of the most advanced mecha mounted energy weapons yet developed as well as a large amount of missiles and a bomb bay. Intended as more a bomber than a dogfighter, the TREAD has all the aerodynamics of a brick and relies on it's three powerful engines to remain in flight. The TREAD possesses transatmospheric capability when it fires its boosters, and it can easily lift itself and an Legioss into and out of orbit of a planetary gravitational field.

The TREAD and Legioss can dock in less than one minute, and they can separate almost instantly. Combined with the Legioss, this fighter demonstrates incredible firepower and speed, and makes for an exceptional piece of military hardware.


AB-01 TREAD: TRans-EArth Deployment Armo-Bomber
AB-01S Dark TREAD Experimental 'Dark' stealth system equiped version

Armo-Bomber Armo-Diver Armo-Soldier
Total Length : 9.7m 8.0m 7.3m
Total Height : 6.1m 8.5m 13.7m
Total Width : - - 8.5m
Total Wingspan : 19.5m 19.5m -
Total Dry Weight: 29.50 tons (metric)


3 x JG102A [Main] Liquid Hydorgen cell fueled turbines. Max output, 356 kN ea.
4 x ATF 401 miniaturized Liquid Hydrogen HBT cell fueled turbines. Engines are mounted in pairs near the elbow joint of the arm for VTOL operations in Armo-Bomber mode [Reserve]. Each engine is rated to 46.9 kN standard thrust, max overboost to 91.1 kN each.
Powerplant : 4 x Hydrogen-cell turbines
Fuel Capacity: 32 Standard HBT fuel cells(8 4-paks)
HBT fuel supply : 250 hours(10 days) operational use.

Armo-Bomber Mode:

Max level speed : 1930 kph at 18000m (Mach 1.8)
8900 kph with boosters
700 kph at sea level (Mach .7)
Stall speed : 250 kph (VTOL rectification possible)
Initial climb rate: over 40000m per minute with boosters
Service ceiling : 35 km (TREAD can be boosted into orbit)

Armo-Diver Mode:

Max loiter time : 120 seconds.
Stall speed : None (VTOL)
Service ceiling : 18000m

Armo-Soldier Mode:

Max running speed : 128 kph
Max flying speed : 482 kph
Service ceiling : 2440m

Tread Armo-Solider in action

Weapon systems
EP-14 three-barreled 80mm gatlingbeam gun
The effectively the same weapon carried by the Legioss Armo-Fighter. The EP-14 can fire 170 rounds per minute in full automatic mode, also capable of firing semi-automatic three-barrel blasts approximately once per second. The gun is mounted internally in the center fuselage intake beneath the cockpit. The center gun is not available in Armo-Soldier mode or in the Legioss link-up configration
EP-4 Tri-barreled particle cannon
The EP-4 is a smaller less powerfull version of the EP-14. The two guns are mounted internally in the intakes of the leg-mounted main engines. They are usually fired at the same time as the EP-14 and provide the TREAD with a heavy punch. The EP-4 is only available in Armo-Bomber mode.
EU-35 triple-barreled Ion Pulse Cannon
One of the largest, most effective weapons that can be mounted on a combat mecha, with one on each forearm. Capable of firing 45 times per minute, each round able to punch through even the heaviest armor used by the Inbit. The cannons are located in the arms, with the barrels located above the mecha's hands. Available in Armo-Soldier mode only.
Internal Missiles:
MM-20 Multi-missile system
40 inboard variable warhead, short range (15m to 8.2 km) Mach 3.0 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing missiles. Launch ports are 2 10-tube launchers located in the front chest/fuselage, and can fire in all three modes, but are not available in the combined Legioss-TREAD configuration. Ten missiles are ready to fire in each launcher, with a single reload per tube. Able to use any of the Mars Base standard SRMs.
MM-16 Multi-missile system
MM-16 racks raised 32 inboard short range (15m to 8.2 km) Mach 3.2 combined infra-red imager and active radar homing 340mm Coralsnake missiles; 16 ready to fire with one reload 340mm Coralsnake missilesper tube. Launchers are of a pop-up design and are located behind the MM-10 launchers. Available in three modes, including the combined Legioss-TREAD Link-up configuration. Various warhead options, though the Coralsnake's warhead is over twice the size of that on the Hammerhead and the TREAD is the only Mars Base mecha to use them, making reloading hard on the Invid controlled Earth.
Underwing Ordnance:
The TREAD features 3 Hardpoints per wing, with multiple ordnance options. Available payloads include, but are not limited to, the following:
Medium range radar homing 260mm x 1.2m Diamondback missiles. Eight such missiles can be stored on a MER (Multiple Ejection Rack) on each inner hardpoint, seven on each middle hardpoint, and six on each outer hardpoint, for a total of up to forty-two MRMs.
Nuclear Stand-off missile. Reaction warheads (200 kT) mounted on a long range (15 to 293 km) Mach 4.0 combined multi-spectrum imager and active radar homing Reflex missile. This is the same missile mounted by the AF-01 Combat and is one of the few weapons capable of knocking the force fields around the Inbit Hives down. One may be carried under each hardpoint, for a total of up to six.

Short range 200mm x 590mm Buckshot multi-warhead missiles These missiles are designed to stop incoming barrages of enemy missiles. 16 such missiles can be stored on a MER on each inner hardpoint, 14 on each middle hardpoint, and 12 on each outer hardpoint, for a total of up to 84 SRMs.

Jammer pods Large ECM pods just larger than the Nuclear missiles, they transmit a localised cloud of electromagnetic interferance. It is able to block out the enhanced sensor systems mounted in the Gosu but provides no effect against the earlier generations of Inbit mecha.

The TREAD often goes into action with no weapons on the hardpoints, as the presence of ordnance casues extra drag on re-enetry and interferes with the TREAD's transformation capabilities. In most cases the missiles are fired at long ranges or on the very first pass.
Bomb Bay:
4000 kg (normal) capacity for one of the following weapon loads:

8 x high-explosive, long range active homing missiles

16 x 250 kg laser-guided HE bombs

8 x 500 kg cluster bombs

Note: The Bombs/Missiles are stored in the walls of the passanger/cargo area and this area can be also used to extend the amount of ordnance for the bomb bay.
View of the Tread Armo-bomber cockpit Armor:
The armor on the TREAD is extremely formidable. With less need for the maneuverability of the Legioss, the designers equipped it with some of the heaviest armor on any Mars Base mecha. It almost rivals the Horizont and provides this craft with by far the most protection against all forms of weaponry as has ever been mounted on Inbit mecha. In one instance, a TREAD was hit by an Inbit plasma cannon and did not even get scratched.
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