Reverse engineering many of the systems from the alien craft allowed scientists to advance spacecraft technology decades, maybe centuries ahead of what it had been at the beginning of the 21st century. The use of Protoculture power sources eliminated the need of conventional solid rocket booster for lifting vehicles in orbit. In place of these were more efficient reaction thrusters, usable for both lift-off and propulsion. Surface to orbit launches were made even more efficient by the use of gravity control systems that could lighten the effective mass of a spacecraft so it required less thrust to reach orbit. Another by product of the gravity control systems was the creation of artificial gravity for spacecraft, satellites, and bases on low-gravity worlds. Perhaps the most astonishing piece of space travel technology discovered was the Fold System, a propulsion system that enabled relative faster-than-light (FTL) travel by folding the fabric of space-time to allow a spacecraft to travel via artificial micro-wormhole between two distant points in space.The most shocking consequence of the errant space-fold, however, was the disappearance of the Space Fold engine itself. Why the Fold Engine vanished and where it went are still a mystery, and the lack of space-fold capability forced the SDF-1 to return journey to Earth via more conventional propulsion.
The loss of the Fold Engine did have some side benefits, as it led to the development of the pinpoint barrier system. The loss also led to the discovery that the SDF-1 was re-configurable. Dr. Emil Lang found that several internal systems needed to be reconfigured in order to fire the Main Gun with the Fold Engine missing. He was somewhat surprised to find that the SDF-1 was in fact capable of transforming much as a Veritech did, changing its configuration to one that allowed the Main Gun to be fired. This configuration was dubbed the Attack Mode while the regular configuration was referred to as Cruiser mode. This capability appears to have been part of the original space vessels capabilities, though the reason for having this function is a mystery.
Main power system: RRG SPR-1 protoculture-fueled Reflex furnace.
Main propulsion system (1): 2 35,000 shp Werkspoor electrical motors driving one propulsor aft.
Auxiliary thrusters (2): 2 Ushakov 3,000 shp MagnetoHydroDynamic propulsion units mounted port and starboard before the main propulsor The Warspite-class also used the new technology gleaned from the crashed SDF-1. The nuclear fission powerplant of the Seawolf was replaced with a protoculture powered Reflex Furnace. This also meant that the heavy reactor shielding could be disposed of, as could the intricate steam lines to and from the reactor and propulsion systems. The new system used two electric motors, fed directly from the furnace.
The propulsion system retained the Seawolf's propulsor, a ducted propeller, for speed, but also included two smaller, very quiet MHD drives for silent operations. Combining these systems, the Warspite and her sister ships can achieve a 'silent' speed of 24.5 knots. Of course, the more silent operation of the generators, compared with the pumps of the fission reactor, also lowered the emitted sound levels.
Main power system: RRG Mk.2 protoculture-fueled Reflex furnace. The powerplant of the ARMD can deliver up to 210 Terawatts of power, and can operate for thirty-four minutes at maximum power before overheat initiates autoshutdown.
Maneuvering Thrusters (26): 24 RRG FuRT-3/4 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters with steerable nozzles in four clusters of six. Two clusters are mounted forward in each sponson with two engines firing forward, two to the sides, one in the dorsal plane and one in the ventral plane. Two clusters are mounted on each side engine pod with two engines firing sideways, two engines firing in the dorsal and two engines firing in the ventral. 2 RRG FuRT-5/1 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters with steerable nozzles are located on the upper deck aft, firing in the aft dorsal plane.
Reaction-mass Thrusters (10): Four RRG FuRT-1/14 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters with protoculture energizer mounted in the stern of the central section, firing though a common exhaust port, and six secondary RRG FuRT-2/5 fusion-plasma reaction thrusters mounted in two side engine pods, with two engines per pod firing aft through a common exhaust port and one engine firing forward.
Planetary Capabilities: The ARMD-class had no atmospheric capabilities whatsoever and could not descend lower than 130 km into the Earth's atmosphere.
The dry stores endurance was 10 months maximum; after that, the ARMD class needed to restock. Water stores were recycled almost totally, and hydroponic plants supplied the crew with a limited but acceptable supply of fresh fruits.
The mecha consumables supplies (cannon ammunition and missiles) were limited; the ARMD was unable to sustain continuous combat operations for much more than five days.
The missile magazines for the ship's own launchers were typically empty after one major space battle.
The Reflex furnace could function for about 15 years at normal usage levels before an energizer rebuild was necessary.
At full power, the main propulsion systems can produce up to 4.42 Giganewtons of thrust at a minimal reaction mass efficiency profile, or as little as 114 Meganewtons of thrust at a maximum efficiency setting. At lower power levels, these thrusts are commensurately smaller.
At full power, the ARMD can achieve a maximum delta-v of 244 kps at the cruising acceleration of 0.1 gees, a maximum delta-v of 48.8 kps at the battle acceleration of 1.0 gees, and a delta-v of at most 13.7 kps at the flank acceleration of 2.5 gees. At lower power levels, these ranges are commensurately smaller.
Because of the newness of the technology, a fold drive could not yet be fitted as its principle was not yet sufficiently understood. However, mass and space for a fold drive was reserved in the design, to facilitate refitting. This allowance was then filled (temporarily) with a long duration low thrust drive system (ion drive), which gave the Armor class a rudimentary inter-planetary capability, which was never utilized. Unfortunately, power demands for the combat systems turned out to be far higher than anticipated, and in fact in excess of the Armor's generating capacity. It was not until 2009 that the necessary refits were finally designed and prepared. At the time of the Zentraedi arrival however, four Armors were destroyed by the Zentraedi without much trouble, and hence the effectiveness of the design was called into question. Therefore, the refits were put on hold, and the building program suspended. The nine Armors completed up to then would remain nine forever.
An interesting design feature was the capability of the Armor class to dock the engine section to the 'shoulder-locks' of the SDF-1. This was done so as to increase the combat power and versatility of the SDF-1 while also extending the Armor's capabilities.
Main power system: RRG Mk.3 or Mk.4 (from AMES-15) protoculture-fueled Reflex furnace. The powerplant of the Oberth-class vessel can deliver up to 251 Terawatts of power, and can operate for thirty minutes at maximum power before overheat initiates autoshutdown.
Maneuvering Thrusters (6) : Fusion-Plasma Reaction Thrusters clusters with steerable nozzles. Two are located on the engine pods, four are located surrounding the forward hull.
Reaction-mass Thrusters (8) : 2 RRG FuRT-3/3 mounted in the aft engine blocks facing aft and 6 RRG FuRT-4/3 mounted in the side engine blocks facing forward.
The dry stores endurance was 10 months maximum; after that, the Oberth class needed to restock. Water stores were recycled almost totally, and hydroponic plants supplied the crew with a small supply of fresh fruits.
The missile magazines were typically empty after one major space battle.
The Reflex furnace could function for about 15 (Mk.3) or 25 (Mk.4) years at normal usage levels before an energizer rebuild is necessary.
At full power, the main propulsion systems can produce up to 4.97 Giganewtons of thrust at a minimal reaction mass efficiency profile, or as little as 113 Meganewtons of thrust at a maximum efficiency setting. At lower power levels, these thrusts are commensurately smaller.
At full power, the Oberth-class vessels can achieve a maximum delta-v of 263 kps at the cruising acceleration of 0.1 gees, a maximum delta-v of 52.6 kps at the battle acceleration of 1.0 gees, and a delta-v of at most 14.7 kps at the flank acceleration of 2.5 gees. At lower power levels, these ranges are commensurately smaller. In order to cut down on transit times, expeditions to the outer planets always started with orbital slingshots around the Moon and the Earth, sometimes even around the Sun. This experience of the UN Spacy in slingshot maneuvering would later be of great use in the return voyage of the SDF-1 to Earth. It was the intend of the UN Spacy to mount a fold system on the class as soon as these drives could be safely replicated; however, this never happened.
3 Reaction-mass thrusters:Primary propulsion for the Garfish class is supplied by three hydrogen fueled plasma thrusters.
3 Emergency thrusters: Mounted on the rear of the lower launch bays are three back thrusters, normally used for increased acceleration during combat.
Planetary Capabilities: The Garfish class has secondary atmospheric capabilities through its reaction thrusters. Can land and take off again with ease, though the landing sites have to be hard, flat ground or prepared LZs.
4 Reaction-mass thrusters: The Ikazuchi's primary propulsion is generated by 4 Fusion-Plasma teaction thrusters.
2 Emergency thrusters mounted on the side between the 4 main engines, used for increased accelration in combat situations.
Planetary Capabilities: The Ikazuchi carriers are not intended to land on a planet, but can if absolutely necessary. The ship is not designed to maneuver in an atmosphere, and landing must be carefully planned and monitored. The landing area must be also be a prepared landing site. In the Recapture Missions, the Ikazuchi carriers stayed in orbit, providing heavy cover.
Main Engine: 2 x Rolls Royce variable cycle chemical afterburning hypervelocity turbojets. Top intakes
Secondary Engine: 4 x [small booster engines] with side intakes.
Protoculture generator
2 Protoculture cells
2 x Rocketdyne DRoE-4 reaction engine in tail section, providing 130 kN thrust each.
4 x protoculture cell for power generation.
2 x Nakajima/P&W/Rolls Royce FF-2011-4 fusion turbines, max. unboosted output 140 kN each (overboost, 275 kN each).
2 x Nakajima/P&W/Rolls Royce FF-2011-4S plasma-shock expansion reaction engines, max. output 121.5 kN each (overboost, 249 kN each).
8 x P&W HMM-1A high-maneuverability vernier thrusters, four in two banks of two on either side of the cockpit, and four mounted at the rear around the engines.
1 x Tirolian mecha proto-generator (known on Earth as the RT/PS-4d), providing electrical power to the mecha; output 325 MW.
Fuel capacity: 8.1 liter D20 reactant for fusion engines.
Assorted small reaction thrusters for maneuvers and stability.
2 x Nakajima FF-2050D fusion turbines each rated at 67,500 kg (662 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 700 MW of power. The engines generate 26,430 PS during ground combat.
10 x Rolls Royce HMM-7 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode, 4 on the back in guardian mode, and 2 more on the back in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 714.3 kg/sec (7.0 kN/sec).
22 x Pratt&Whitney LHP08 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; 2 mounted on the outer rear of either nacelle and 1 on the inner rear of each nacelle, 1 directly aft of either the intake, 2 on each foot, 2 on each shoulder, 1 on either side of the arm, 1 on either side of the upper and lower back. Each thruster is rated at 143 kg/sec (1.4 kN/sec).
Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
(VF -19C, VT-19)
2 x Nakajima FF-2050D fusion turbines each rated at 67,500 kg (662 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 700 MW of power. The engines generate 26,430 PS during ground combat.
6 x Rolls Royce HMM-7 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode, and 2 more on the back in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 714.3 kg/sec (7.0 kN/sec).
23 x Pratt&Whitney LHP08 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; 1 on each dorsal wing root, 4 on the upper back in battloid mode, 3 in either shoulder under the armor, 1 on both the front and rear of the shoulder, 1 on either side of the upper leg, 3 on the dorsal behind the cockpit, 1 on either side of the ventral in front of the cockpit. Each thruster is rated at 143 kg/sec (1.4 kN/sec).
Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
2 x Nakajima FF-2050F fusion turbines each rated at 72,500 kg (710 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 750 MW of power. The engines generate 27,270 PS during ground combat.
6 x Rolls Royce HMM-10 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode, and 2 more on the back in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 744.9 kg/sec (7.3 kN/sec).
23 x Pratt&Whitney LHP09 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; 1 on each dorsal wing root, 4 on the upper back in battloid mode, 3 in either shoulder under the armor, 1 on both the front and rear of the shoulder, 1 on either side of the upper leg, 3 on the dorsal behind the cockpit, 1 on either side of the ventral in front of the cockpit. Each thruster is rated at 153 kg/sec (1.5 kN/sec).
Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
2 x Nakajima FF-2050F fusion turbines each rated at 72,500 kg (710 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 750 MW of power. The engines generate 27,270 PS during ground combat.
10 x Rolls Royce HMM-10 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode, 4 on the back in guardian mode, and 2 more on the back in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 744.9 kg/sec (7.3 kN/sec).
22 x Pratt&Whitney LHP09 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; 2 mounted on the outer rear of either nacelle and 1 on the inner rear of each nacelle, 1 directly aft of either the intake, 2 on each foot, 2 on each shoulder, 1 on either side of the arm, 1 on either side of the upper and lower back. Each thruster is rated at 153 kg/sec (1.5 kN/sec).
Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
2 x Nakajima FF-2050J fusion turbines each rated at 78,950 kg (774 kN) of thrust, capable of generating 800 MW of power. The engines generate 27,990 PS during ground combat.
6 x Rolls Royce HMM-10 high thrust vernier thrusters, mounted in pairs on the either side of the dorsal in fighter mode, and 2 more on the back in battloid mode. Each thruster is rated at 744.9 kg/sec (7.3 kN/sec).
23 x Pratt&Whitney LHP09 low-thrust vernier thrusters beneath multipurpose hook/handles, distributed around the aircraft; 1 on each dorsal wing root, 4 on the upper back in battloid mode, 3 in either shoulder under the armor, 1 on both the front and rear of the shoulder, 1 on either side of the upper leg, 3 on the dorsal behind the cockpit, 1 on either side of the ventral in front of the cockpit. Each thruster is rated at 153 kg/sec (1.5 kN/sec).
Vernier vents on the wings, as part of the aircraft's space roll control.
Auxilliary Powerplant:
2 x General Electric APU-170 thermonuclear fusion reaction auxiliary power generators (one redundant), each capable of producing 700 MW, using the aircraft's stored fuel, with an emergency reserve of 10 lt D2O/Li solution.ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: The Exeter escorts are equipped with an anti-gravity propulsion system used for planetary landings and liftoffs. The system is good for vertical ascent/descent only and can lift the ship at speeds of up to 1,320 feet (400 m) per minute. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.SPACE FOLD SYSTEM: For FTL propulsion the escort is equipped with a fold drive, capable of propelling the ship through hyperspace at speeds up to 3.28x10^10 mps (5.25x10^10 kmps), or 1 light year per 6 minutes. When executing a space fold the Exeter will transport any ships within a 1 mile (1.6 km) radius with it, allowing it to transport up to about a dozen smaller ships with it, if necessary. The range of the fold drive is theoretically unlimited except by the life expectancy of the spacecraft. SPACE FOLD SYSTEM: For FTL propulsion, the destroyer is equipped with a modified version of a Zentraedi fold drive, capable of propelling the ship through hyperspace at speeds up to 3.28x10^10 mps (5.25x10^10 kmps), or 1 light year per 6 minutes. However, unlike larger capital ships the Warrior CANNOT transport other ships with it when it folds. The range of the fold drive is theoretically unlimited except by the life expectancy of the spacecraft.
SUBLIGHT ENGINES: As a backup to the Fold System, the destroyer is equipped with sublight engines that can propel the ship at speeds up to 0.20 speed of light (32,000 miles/51,500 km per second) in space. Note that these engines are mainly intended for rapid movement inside a planetary system and are not suited for long voyages between star systems. In a planetary atmosphere the carrier is limited to speeds of Mach 3 at low altitudes or Mach 8 at high altitudes due to hull stress. ANTIGRAVITY PROPULSION SYSTEM: The Warrior destroyers are equipped with an anti-gravity propulsion system used for planetary landings and liftoffs. The system is good for vertical ascent/descent only and can lift the ship at speeds of up to 1,320 feet (400 m) per minute. The system will function so long as the main engines can supply energy to it.